Church rep takes partial blame in Palin comments
The_Liann 0 minutes ago
The REVOLUTIONARY TEA PARTY was "patriots" engaged in lucrative tea smuggling on American ships, protesting a TAX CUT by the king, which would undersell them and spoil their market, putting them out of business (which was the King's intention, to put illegal smugglers out of business).
These Koch-pawns, neo Tea-Klux-Klan get everything of history wrong. America was invented without God in the govt -- they easily could have made a state religion but they chose not to. If they had, it would have been Masonic, because most of them were high degree masons, not particularly christian. Govt was mainly supposed to be SOCIALIST: collective paying of court salaries, collective paying the military, collective Coast Guard, collective Post Office, collective upkeep of the President and Congress.
The Revolution was fought on deficit spending -- they had no govt, no taxes, no revenues to pay the expenses of the army or shipping. They wrote contracts to pay later. That's the way the founders thought was best -- let the next generation pay for the many good things they will inherit -- why not, the freeloaders next generation could afford it? The constitution underlines contracts must be paid, but it does not necessarily enshrine capitalism as the default and mandatory system. Socialism is definitely allowed for, as well as other forms.
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