Friday, July 29, 2011

Can you say "GOP TUESDAY STOCK MARKET CRASH"? Can you say it 1,000 times in comments to the editors and in verbal conversations?

Repiggies need to know the coming STOCK MARKET CRASH is 100% their fault. All it takes is A ONE-LINE DEBT CEILING BILL to avoid a crash. Any other result is a GOP-gun-to-America's-head.

The coming STOCK MARKET CRASH on GOP TUESDAY Will cut billionaire's wealth in half, and the GOP is to blame for that, the GOP TUESDAY STOCK MARKET CRASH.

The GOP wants the STOCK MARKET CRASH on TUESDAY, and they own it. It is named for them and what they did -- the GOP caused the STOCK MARKET CRASH on TUESDAY.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Growing evidence suggests hepatitis C can be transmitted sexually

The_Liann at 11:37 AM July 22, 2011Despite home-schooled Creation-Science followers of Mrssiah Sun Myung Moon, evolution is all about the war of predatory parasites and the prey. Sexual procreation (which is totally unneeded by aphids whom are born pregnant) was invented by life to evade constantly adapting parasites (transmissible diseases).
The human brain has likewise evolved to facilitate the conquest of diseases. Unfortunately, the predatory churchmen have infected their prey with lethal memes, causing the infected to not use their brains to promote universal healthcare and social control of escalating healthcare costs. The prey whom are mentally weakened by the lethal infectious memes actually vote to prevent safe sex education on televisioon and in schools, and actively fight against funding for sexually transmitted disease clinbics and cures.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Politics of Murdoch

0 minute ago (4:32 PM)
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Rupert Murdoch sat on the Board of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company during a known exact span of time. The directors direct the company and are LEGALLY RESPONSIBL­E for corporate criminal behaviors. During the Murdoch reign of directing the tobacco mafia serial murder corporatio­n Murdoch directed that $75,000,00­0 per year be diverted to advertisin­g in the pages of Murdoch-ow­ned TV-Guide, where families let their children look up the broadcast times of Sesame Street and Barney the Dinosaur. During the time of Murdoch's directing the serial murder corporatio­n it committed thousands of felony violations of federal laws, for which it was convicted in US Federal Court. Therefore, the LEGALLY RESPONSIBL­E directors committed those crimes over an extended period of time which includes the entire tenure of Rupert Murdoch. Among the RICO Organized Crime Racketeeri­ng acts directed by Rupert Murdoch was the secret Swiss bank numbered accounts payoffs of felony fraud science deceptions which deceived smokers into their graves -- 3,000 Americans were tricked to death every single day that Rupert Murdoch directed the organized crime tobacco mafia company. When the trials were over, Rupert Murdoch hired at raises in pay serial murderer top executives from the PM company into his News Corpse RICO organizati­on. This is not whether Murdoch hacked a dead girl's voicemail -- Rupert Murdoch himself attempted to murder that girl with cigarette addiction through advertisin­g to kids in TV-Guide to replace the 3,000 killed today and the 3,000 who will be killed tomorrow.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Larry Flynt: Rupert Murdoch went too far

By Larry Flynt, Published: July 15


Let us be VERY VERY CLEAR. Rupert Murdoch sat on the Board of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company during a known exact span of time. The directors direct the company and are LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE for corporate criminal behaviors. During the Murdoch reign of directing the tobacco mafia serial murder corporation Murdoch directed that $75,000,000 per year be diverted to advertising in the pages of Murdoch-owned TV-Guide, where families let their children look up the broadcast times of Sesame Street and Barney the Dinosaur. During the time of Murdoch's directing the serial murder corporation it committed thousands of felony violations of federal laws, for which it was convicted in US Federal Court. Therefore, the LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE directors committed those crimes over an extended period of time which includes the entire tenure of Rupert Murdoch. Among the RICO Organized Crime Racketeering acts directed by Rupert Murdoch was the secret Swiss bank numbered accounts payoffs of felony fraud science deceptions which deceived smokers into their graves -- 3,000 Americans were tricked to death every single day that Rupert Murdoch directed the organized crime tobacco mafia company. When the trials were over, Rupert Murdoch hired at raises in pay serial murderer top executives from the PM company into his News Corpse RICO organization. This is not whether Murdoch hacked a dead girl's voicemail -- Rupert Murdoch himself attempted to murder that girl with cigarette addiction through advertising to kids in TV-Guide to replace the 3,000 killed today and the 3,000 who will be killed tomorrow.

It should be pointed out that Rupert Murdoch was also director during a known exact specific span of time, of Charles Koch co-founded Cato Institute, sitting on the Board of Directors and legally responsible for crimes of the corporation in a char at the table with David Koch, co-director of Cato. It was during this time that Junkman Steve Moaloy, whom was involved in felony frauds for the PM company, and employed by Cato Institute paid with Philip Morris felony fraud money, began broadcasting on Fox News channel. The Koch brothers are organized, and they have been fined $55,000,000.00 (yes, that is $55 MILLION DOLLARS, with an M) in criminal fines for poisonng the air, waters and soils of six of the United States. The Koch Brothers have used their front organizations for tobacco frauds as proved in multiple Federal courts, and have usually had a Philuip Morris Vice President on the oard of Directors of Cato Institute (besides also Rupert Murdoch directing). David Koch's Reason Foundation had American Tobacco Company-heir Gordon Gray on the board of directors. The Koch Brother RICO racketeering operations are found to be deeply involved in the tobacco mafia serial murders for decades.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

 Rupert Murdoch phone-hacking scandal: US connections grow

Murdoch is involved with another corruption scandal: his cigarette mafia past. The Marboro Cigarettes Man, Murdoch oversaw the Philip Morris Tobacco Company during a period when it was committing felony racketeering crimes. The corporation was convicted in federal court of RICO Organized Crime activities, including making corrupt payoffs for science frauds through numbered Swiss bank accounts in "Operation Whitecoats" to the tune of $16,000,000.00 in a sngle year's budget. Murdoch worked closely with the Organized Crime gang ($55,000,000.00 CRIMINAL FINES) the Koch Brothers, using Cato Institute, Reason Foundation, and Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE is now split into Freedomworks, and Americans for Prosperity).

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Going After Michele Bachmann Ahead Of 2012 Has Its Risks

0 minute ago (6:46 PM)
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Since Michele Bachmann believes STRONGLY in obeying her husband, Marcus Bachmann is the real candidate in that family -- whatever he says, goes.

Since Husband Marcus Bachmann is the actual presidenti­al candidate, it is his record, his qualificat­ions, which need to be examined.

Both Marcus Bachmann and Michele Bachmann are schooled in Liberty University­, bought out by false-mess­iah Sun Myung Moon, both Bachmann's may be presumed "moonies" in faith and obedience. Moon believes in blind obedience of his followers, so Moon the Theocrat is actually the real candidate, since both Bachmanns can be considered his followers. The DISCOVERY INSTITUTE CREATION SCIENCE was produced to insert Moonist theology into public schools and both Bachmanns believe in Creation Science Moonist Theology, then Michele Bachmann is just a figurehead standing in for her messiah.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

News of the World to close amid phone-hacking scandal

By and , Updated: Thursday, July 7, 11:34 AM

Hacked a dead girl's phone voicemail? What about the 3,000 Americans that Murdoch's Marlboro Man killed yesterday? What about the 3,000 corporate Serial murders they are killing TODAY? What about the 3,000 Americans they are murdering TOMORROW? Murdoch DIRECTED Philip Morris (Marlboros) to commit FELONY FRAUD while he was on the Board of Directors. Murdoch made SECRET PAYOFF for science frauds to Swiss bank accounts of corrupt science workers in PROJECT WHITECOATS (google it). Murdoch's company was CONVICTED of felony RICO frauds but GOP appointed judges let them get away with zero fine and disgorgement of money. Murdoch advertised CIGARETTES to KIDS in his TV GUIDE while the kids looked up the showtimes of Seseme Street and barney the Dinosaur.-- Murdoch DIRECTED Philip Morris Marboro serial killer to pay $75,000,000 per year to his TV Guide, the only American outlet to advertise cigs to children. Make these serial killers go away! Get them OFF MY WORLD!

Another Empty Gesture From Murdoch

0 minute ago (4:37 PM)
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Hacked a dead girl's phone voicemail? What about the 3,000 Americans that Murdoch's Marlboro Man killed yesterday? What about the 3,000 corporate Serial Murders they are killing TODAY? What about the 3,000 Americans they are murdering TOMORROW? Murdoch DIRECTED Philip Morris (Marlboros­) to commit FELONY FRAUD while he was on the Board of Directors. Murdoch made SECRET PAYOFF for science frauds to Swiss bank accounts of corrupt science workers in PROJECT WHITECOATS (google it). Murdoch's company was CONVICTED of felony RICO frauds but GOP appointed judges let them get away with zero fine and zero disgorgeme­nt of money. Murdoch advertised CIGARETTES to KIDS in his TV GUIDE while the kids looked up the showtimes of Sesame Street and Barney the Dinosaur.-­- Murdoch DIRECTED Philip Morris Marboro Serial Killers to pay $75,000,00­0 per year to his TV Guide, the only American outlet to advertise cigs to children. Make these Serial Killers go away! Get them OFF MY WORLD! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tea party Democrats do exist

The Tea Party is owned and controlled top-down by the Koch-Murdoch axis. Koch's CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy) splintered into Koch-FreedomWorks and Koch-Americans for Koch-Prosperity. The dying Jack Kemp merged his group's mailing list with CSE during the change. This gave the new groups nearly 800,000 names and addresses from their inception to use. The Koch-dad Fred was co-founder of the John Birch Society which established the practice of keeping Kooks on Tap by signing them up on mailing lists and subscription roles -- if these dufuses could be gulled into believing in the Floridated Water Conspiracy you could mind control them for anything you wanted. The John Birch, CSE and Freedomworks/AFP mailing lists have a lot of overlap.

Tea Party Patriots is a US trademark owned by four long-time Republican operative. The Tea Party Iron Fist Logo used at Glenn Beck's 9-12 rally in Washington DC is owned by the Koch Freedomworks, as was the stage and microphone at the 9-12 DC rally. Murdoch had Fox Newz promoters embedded on the bus, the Tea Party Express bus, and Murdoch's Fox Newz gave hundreds of thousands of dollars of commercial television time to promoting every little whistlestop that bus made, with small crowds ginned up from that John Bircher Koch mailing list.

Koch and Murdoch worked together well in the past when Rupert Murdoch was director of Philip Morris Serial murder Tobacco Mafia Raceteering Corporation, Murdoch was also director of Charles Koch-founded CATO Institute, sitting on the board side by side with Director David Koch. Tobacco Mafioso Murdoch directed millions of dollars to Koch think tanks like CSE and CATO and Reason Foundation, to name a few named in court records of convictions of the Tobacco Mafia Racketeers. Koch-Cato also always had (maybe still does) a vice president of Philip Morris (Altria) on their board of directors. Koch-Reason Foundation had American Tobacco Heir Gordon Gray on the board until the day he died -- Gordon Gray was 1st US psy-war services director who waged psy-war on US Americans in a 50-year fraud since convicted of racketeering and frauds. Murdoch gave Geoff Bible a high paying job after his career at Philip Morris was finished, and other PM executives moved into Murdoch News Corp empire at high pay.

This is the history of Tea Party and it's founders.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

One debt reduction plan: Get billions in uncollected taxes

brussellky SAID "The Obama administration wants to add to $1.2 Billion to the IRS
budget to hopefully collect an additional $1.3 Billion? I see why he
never went into business!"

You can see brusseliky never went into business. What business would throw away a  9% annual return on investment. PLUS, if part of your job title includes stimulating the economy and improving employment, who wouldn't want a $1.2 billion JOBS PLAN right about now, where $1.2 billion spent on salaries and staples and paper and printing filters through the economy creating 7 times that amount in economic stimulation in the private sector. It's pretty brilliant, really.

It just goes to show that conservatives are just as illiterate on the Economy as they are on Global Warming, American History, and Biological Evolution Science.
Josef SAID: "Class warfare is an age old political tactic. Sadly, many Americans fall for it."Class warfare in America dates back a little more than 100 years ago with the robber barons of the guilded age killing 22,000 with impunity in the Johnstown flood, for example of real warfare against the poor by the filthy rich. Stuffing the Lusitania full of 4,000,000 Rockefeller Remington Arms cartriges killed 1,600 immediately, but killed millions more in Europe for the Merchants of Death on Wall Street. JP Morgan sold more than a billion dollars in bonds building up Mussolini, Hitler and Tojo, and that was real warfare that killed a lot more poor than the rich. The history of the rich class killing the poor has never been totaled up in America. It's still secret to the public that Exxon-founder Rockefeller hired goons to kill striking coal miners in lands that he owned at Paint Creek & Cabin Creek, West Virginia in 1912 and 1913, and then moved the killer death squads to commit the Ludlow Massacre in Colorado in 1914. The Exxon war on unions began well more than 100 years ago -- with over 2,000 Americans killed in 1877 in the war between Rockefeller's Exxon (Satandard Oil) and Tom Scott's Pennsylvania Railroad.

Read more:

Friday, July 1, 2011

Seth Walsh: LGBT Agreement Reached For 13-Year-Old's Death

0 minute ago (11:00 PM)
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Hater-o-se­xuals like to claim they are better, but I keep track of google news stories and put points on a map showing that they are not.

MAP: http://goo­.gl/XYj07