Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mitch McConnell and the Art of Dysfunction

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 2:33 AM)
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The Republicans will destroy the filibuster the first day that they have 51 seats. The Democrats are keeping the filibuster out of "hope" that the Republicans will not use power to thwart them every way that they can. How silly, if they are doing it now when they are the minority, why wouldn't they use power to thwart the Democrats when they get the barest majority?

Like voter suppression laws, all they need is ONE TERM in power to change the country for 100 years.

We need EVERY empty judge seat filled and that requires speedy confirmations, 10, 20 per day, not 20 per year. We need judges who UNDERSTAND US. We need Obama's team in place, empty seats filled promptly without grandstanding, just like it was most of the last 50 years. Empty cabinet seats are not hostages.

We need all our treaties ratified. We need the nuclear treaties and the global warming treaties done, THIS YEAR not someday. Delays serve the enemies who attempted a hostile overthrow of democracy in 2012.

We need the Republicans to break ranks and deal, trade votes for mutual support like it was not so long ago. They don't have to right now. They can extort and blackmail for what they want and rarely give in. It's only when they KNOW that they are in a weak position do they have to deal.

The filibuster needs to be KILLED, exactly as Mitch McConnell would do if he was in charge this January 1st.

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 2:43 AM)
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The people busting nuts in the Senate will abolish the Senate the first day that they get 51 seats. If the Democrats are keeping it out of hope that they can use it when they are in the minority, they are not worth to hold the office of Senator.

300 filibuster this year ought to tell you that the minority party will use everything to oppress the majority party, and the leopard does not change his stripes when he is in the majority.

Mr Smith was a fictional movie character -- he never existed and the Senate he was in never existed. It was ENTERTAINMENT.

If the DEMOCRATS will not abolish the Filibuster, then the activists in this country need to elect 51 REPUBLICANS. One way or the other, we are getting rid of that filibuster.

Pick your date Harry Reid: 2013 or 2015. The FILIBUSTER IS DEAD. Get used to majority rules.

It takes 50% plus one vote to get elected Senator. Those ought to be the rules to pass the people's laws. Yeah, losing sucks, so don't lose and you never need to mourn being the minority party that has to DEAL to get what you want some of the time.

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 2:50 AM)
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Mitch McConnell was not elected to serve the people. He was elected to serve his paymasters who elected him.

The WORD "FILIBUSTER" means "A mercenary soldier hired to fight battles, including kill or be killed, on behalf of his rich patron who pays him". A filibuster is a hired gun.

A Senator is a hired gun. Senate decisions can mean war or peace and billions of expenses. Senators do kill people -- they put all those predator drones in the sky.

Politics is not for sissies. Put on your big boy pants and face facts. One loser party is vetoing everything the winner party wants to do, using the filibuster as a weapon.


Give McConnell 51 seats and he will not let a democrat minority filibuster him -- he would abolish the filibuster day one first change he gets.

White House To Boehner: Obamacare Not Part Of Fiscal Cliff Deal

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 9:21 PM)
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Boner has to say stuff. There's no telling how much he means anything yet. The rubber meets the road in five weeks. Two days before New years the unemployment compensation relief needs to be renewed. If that is held hostage it means something real and calculable.

On January on the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES are scheduled to return. These tax rates created 22,000,000 new jobs under Bill Clinton and the deficit was shrinking and the budget was balanced five years in a row. After WRECKER BUSH suspended the prosperity with the ECONOMY-WRECKING TAX CUTS and drove business away and dumped millions into the unemployed rolls there's 28,000,000 looking for work.

Obama helped 5,000,000 get or keep their jobs while the PUBLICANS & MONEY-CHANGERS PARTY tried to oppose everything every time.

When the CLINTON TAX RATES return there will be govt money for unemployment and jobs programs and rebuilding infrastructure after hurricane Sandy.

Once we get at or past the FIRST of JANUARY 2013, then Boner's words can be judged as silly or serious.

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 9:37 PM)
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There is no Cliff.

On January 1, 2013, the sunset of the Bush Tax Cuts happens automatically, just like the republicans voted into law on the day that they passed the tax cuts.

A CALENDAR is NOT A CLIFF. It's law occurring like it was designed to do. No CLIFF.

No DRAMA, No Hysteria, No crisis. The CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES return as they were always supposed to, and PROSERITY RETURNS TOO.

We saw the WRECKAGE that low taxes brings. WRECKER BUSH did the experiment. We have 28,000,000 unemployed. People lost 40% of their home values. People who once could afford homes are now renters instead.

Under the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES, 22,000,000 NEW JOBS were created, People bought homes. Homes went UP IN VALUE.

The republicans did the experiment so EVERYBODY COULD SEE THE TRUTH -- TAX CUTS KILL THE ECONOMY!

Ms Liann
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1 second ago (10:03 PM)
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I don't see any reason to give GIFTS to RED STATE COTTON FARMERS. Not one penny of the cotton subsidy goes to BLUE STATES. It's GIFTS to BUY VOTES in RED STATES.

GONE. Buy your cotton from India at world market prices for half the cost. Get rid of the RE STATE deadbeats.

Why are BLUE STATES subsidizing FEDERAL water projects for Arizona Deserts who VOTES RED? If RED STATE ARIZONA wants water, go to the supermarket and buy all you want, Perrier, Avion, any brand that you please. Just get your grubby thieving RED MITTS out of my pocket to pay for it.

GONE. Grow your subsidized cotton with FREE MARKET WATER.

Ms Liann
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1 second ago (10:55 PM)
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The CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES return January 1, 2013.

Nobody has to do anything, and that will happen in 5 weeks. Hopefully, nobody will stop it.

Under Clinton people lived well after paying the Clinton Taxes. They could afford to buy homes. Homes actually WENT UP IN PRICE. People bought cars, the auto-makers were booming. 28,000,000 NEW JOBS were created.

Then WRECKER BUSH came in with his WRECKING TAX CUTS. Home dropped 40% in value. Millions of people were driven out of their homes by the Banksters. The Banks collapsed. The Auto-makers were in Washington begging for help. 28,000,000 went out of work, out of jobs.

We saw both ways on display for everybody in America to see with their own eyes.


WRECKER BUSH TAX CUTS destroyed a lot of the good things of America.

On January 1, 2013 the good times return.

People would rather live well after paying taxes than get an unemployment check which the GOP keeps cutting unemployment checks.

Mortgage Fraud Lawsuits Fail To Deter Bank Cheating, Experts Say

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 4:55 PM)
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Approve all of Obama's judges, confirm them, so the WRECKER BUSH STUFFED WITH FEDERALIST-SOCIETY BRIBE TAKERS is not the majority out there seeing and judging corporate cases.

Bush adviser C.Boyden Gray was co-founder of the FEDERALIST SOCIETY, and in 2001 he was CHAIRMAN of Koch Citizens For A Sound Economy (CSE). This TOBACCO fortune heir of RJ Reynolds money organized the CSE TAR HEELS TEA PARTY to throw tea bags and shout about tobacco taxes in tobacco-growing state North Carolina, August 19, 2001.

In 2002 RJ Reynolds Tobacco Guy, C. Boyden Gray, WRECKER BUSH Legal adviser, was organizing the CSE US TEA PARTY (Dot)COM website on CSE.ORG web server and mirrored on website as "A Project of CSE Members" using tobacco covert funding. The USTEAPARTY.COM website was operating from 2002-2005, when CSE split into two.

In 2004-2005 CSE morphed into TEA PARTY ORGANIZERS and AstroTurf operators FREEDOMWORKS-CSE and AFP (Koch Americans for Koch Prosperity). Note that this TEA PARTY was way before America ever met Barack Obama.

Judges not beholden to FEDERALIST SOCIETY money laundered "speaker's fees" is needed.

Susan Rice Defends Benghazi Remarks: U.S. Ambassador Dismisses McCain Accusations

Ms Liann
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2 seconds ago ( 2:28 PM)
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When Jane Fonda visited Hanoi during the Vietnam war, she gave the North Vietnamese a major Propaganda Victory. John McCain was in prison then in North Vietnam for carpet bombing civilians from 20,000 feet altitude. They called Jane Fonda "Hanoi Jane" for that -- some still do.

Now John McCain is "Hanoi John McCain" for giving a major propaganda victory to the Benghazi assassination squad who killed four Americans in an ambush September 11, 2012.

Except for the high profile that Hanoi John gives them, these killers would sink into forgetfulness while those paid to hunt them down go secretly about their business. The hunting business is much impeded by Hanoi John's constant promotion in the media spotlight of the "success" of the killer squads, whom are promoted as local heroes and protected by the mobs as celebrities. The CELEBRITY STATUS is created by FOXy republicans trying to tear America apart because they failed to win two presidential elections in a row. Republicans have become Al Qaeda Annex in DC, the Propaganda Ministry of the Benghazi Assassins.

10 People Who Led Us To The Fiscal Cliff

Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 1:30 PM)
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If there is no "Fiscal Cliff" then there is nobody to blame for it.

The republicans cut taxes under a law dictating the tax cuts would last no more than ten years. They planned them to sunset on the day that they passed the law. Republicans controlled all three branches of govt when they passed this law. Letting a law expire is NOT A CLIFF.

The republicans unfunded massive spending sprees. They created two wars (instead of sending in Seal Team Six to dispatch Osama Bin Ladin) and a massive VOTE-BUYING SCHEME, Medicare Part-D for old people who side with republicans. The unpaid bills for these spending sprees added up until the national debt doubled with another equal amount of increased debt stuffed in the pipeline to arrive after whomever won the election in 2008.

This is NOT A CLIFF. The EXPIRING TAX CUTS would pay down these deficits if the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES were allowed to return exactly as scheduled.

The republicans then tried to skip out on paying the debts that they incurred with an extortion scheme over the "debt ceiling" which is called THE SEQUESTER. These are the automatic cuts that go into effect like clockwork on date certain that the republicans insisted and demanded and passed into law. This is not a CLIFF. It's a CALENDAR!

The Republican party is responsible for this "MESS" from start to finish, and deceivers are trying to muddy the waters with useless extraneous details.