Friday, May 6, 2011

Torture May Have Slowed Hunt For Bin Laden, Not Hastened It

Torture May Have Slowed Hunt For Bin Laden, Not Hastened It

0 minute ago (7:18 PM)
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The bottom line: torture stopped in 2006. If torture got Bin Laden's address before 2006 than Bush needs to go to prison for concealing that informatio­n for five years and aiding and abetting Osama Bin Laden to roam freely.

You don't want to go down that path -- protecting Bush from War Crimes trials has alread been guaranteed by Barry, but you can't protect Bush from prison for concealing Osama Bin Laden's address for 5 years. You might want to accept the fact that we went 200 years and won all previous big wars (except Vietnam) without using torture, and the only war we did lose was the Vietnam War where we used torture. Torture is against internatio­nal law that we forced the world to accept. America forced internatio­nal law to condemn torture by the Axis in WWII at post-war Nuremberg trials. WE are the ones who made it illegal everywhere on Earth to use torture.