Tyndale House Publishers, Christian Company, Granted Birth Control Mandate Reprieve By Federal Judge
2 seconds ago ( 1:42 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The Founders called it RELIGIOUS TYRANNY when people imposed upon them their crazy nutso religious beliefs.
William Penn got tired of his people being beheaded and burned at stakes, so he came and founded Pennsylvania.
The Pilgrims escaped religious tyranny to found Plymouth Rock and created Thanksgiving.
Those crazy puritans burned witches at stakes. Roger Williams fled to create Rhode Island as a refuge from those crazy nuts in Massachusetts. Baptists once stood for religious freedom before they became equated with religious tyranny.
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM means that ALL RELIGION is 100% voluntary. If you don't like a religion you can walk out the door without cops with guns hunting you down to bring you back. You can change religions every day of the week and nobody can issue a fatwa to have you killed over it.
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM means nobody gets to make laws to force you to be their religion, not law by law, not all at once.
0 second ago ( 1:58 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The FEDS PROVED IN COURT, the SUPREME COURT, that the OBAMACARE law is valid and in effect coast to coast. There is a public interest in health of the citizens of every religion. There is a public interest in reducing costs. Birth control is cheaper than having a baby and 26 years on the parents policy. It is cheaper for the policy-holder and cheaper for the pool of policy holders, parents and childless alike.
The govt is not in the forced breeder business, especially when medical technology can space children affordably apart, and nobody is coerced into using it against their freewill, or forced to not have it against their freewill either.
0 second ago ( 2:03 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The policy is PRIVATE PROPERTY. It belongs to the person whose name is on it.
It does not belong to the employer.
It does not belong to the church.
It does not belong to the neighbors.
It is paid for by the sweat off the brow.
Nobody who has any objection to birth control need use that benefit -- it is a voluntary act to get and use birth control. Having it in the policy is like having it in the pharmacy -- it's there if you want it.
ALL hormonal birth control works by preventing a FERTILIZED EGG from attaching to the uterus to begin parasiting on the woman. This is not just PLAN B but "THE PILL". The attacks on birth control are shotgun approaches with many bullets sprayed all at once.
The govt has authority in interstate commerce to impose MINIMUM PACKAGES of benefits on insurance companies because it has been the practice only provide the much more expensive options of child-birth, pre-natal care, and 26-year child carried on parent's policy underwritten by all policyholders, those with children and those childless subsidizing births.
It is in the public interest that the lowest cost option be available so all policy-holders can make their private decisions in collaboration with their doctors as to their preferred choice.
It is not in George WRECKER Bush's appointee authority to impose religious tyranny upon free people where no such authority was ever transferred from the sovereign citizens to any level of govt.
The CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF PRIVACY reserves to the people all rights not explicitly transferred to the govt or implied absolutely necessary to carry out the endowed rights. No right to forced breeding was ever transferred to govt and that power of govt does not exist and cannot be implied.
The govt has the right to control healthcare costs.
It can easily be shown that the BIBLE LAWS are routinely violated by the plaintiff, but there are NO BIBLICAL DOCTRINE AGAINST BIRTH CONTROL.