Do Tea Partiers love bailouts and crony capitalism?
The_Liann 0 minutes agoThe Koch-Tea-Party-Wing of the Repiglicans is dominated by whoever has the megaphone. That means the grassroots are the lawn stepped on by the well-heeled.
The "liberal media" is only as rich as the conservative billionaires that own it. They create an illusion of two sides in tug of war, but when push-comes-to-shove, only their pet ideas get coverage.
The Koch-Klux-Klan is in the strange position of railing against big govt and making huge handouts to Ethanol (red state millionaire farmers), selling subsidized desert water to Arizona cotton farming millionaires well below market rates, and giving oilmen like Koch big fat checks from the govt as subsidies going to the richest men on the planet.
The two Koch Brother combined are only three places behind the richest man in the world, and the govt gives them checks each year as subsidy because they don't have enough money. Each Koch only had $4 BILLION when Dubya entered the White House, and now each Koch has $22 BILLION, and thanks to the Koch-Klux-Klan they will be moving up on the list no matter who is elected president. The Koch pawns will not permit reform that takes the vampire fangs out of the neck of America.