Friday, March 2, 2012

Mandatory Ultrasound Laws Violate Women's Rights and Bodies

1 second ago ( 2:39 PM)
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An abortion is to END A PREGNANCY. Having an ultrasound is not going to offer any benefit to the woman, nor to the soon to be expelled fetal parasitic lump of flesh.

It is a lie to say that a medically-termed, and legally-termed "fetus" is a "child. A fetus is NOT A CHILD. To abort a fetus is a medical term. "Murder" is a legal term.

Abortion is the removal of a parasitic lump of flesh, but is not a child by medical or legal terminology.

Liars swap legal and medical terms.

Souls are not supported in theology based on the bible. God does not insert souls needing protection into fertilized eggs at the instant of conception.

To sum:

(1) Ultrasound is medically unneeded to complete an abortion.
(2) There is no child yet.
(3) There is no legally-defined murder going on.
(4) There are no souls at conception.
(5) The bible does not support anti-abortion theology.
(6) It is not an insult to god to get an abortion.
(7) It is false theology to claim biblical support for rabid anti-abortion hysteria.
(8) Liars are satanic and sometimes satanic wolves dress up as one of the sheep flock to work their evil.
(9) It is anti-constitutional to try to pass religious-based laws. The SEPARATION BETWEEN CHURCH AND STATE protects religious kooks from laws to round them all up and put them in religious concentration camps.
(10) THANK GOD for separation of church and state!

17 hours ago ( 9:52 PM)
So why is it the government is mandating the employer has to pay for health insurance instead of allowing them to pay the employees more money and let them buy their own health insurance? I would gladly pay my employees a few dollars more an hour than having to be locked into a health plan that can go up at the insurance companies whim. Some of my employees don't deserve what they make now with all the fake "sick" days they take off and I see them at the store later in the day, or out at a restaurant. They need to take responsibility and pay it themselves.
1 second ago ( 3:04 PM)
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We tried it your way. Freeloaders getting a free ride were a drain on the economy and cost everybody higher medical costs. The FREE-RIDE IS OVER. Get used to it. We are not doing it your way any more.
You will by law offer health insurance plans which cover FREE PREVENTIVE CARE. You will not give cash which some will use to continue the FREELOADER program of yesteryear. You will obey the law or GET OUT!
"Sick days" can include "mental health days" and family emergency days. If it is part of the wage package then SHUT YOUR FACE! You agreed to these terms when you hired them.
The EMPLOYEES ARE PAYING IT THEMSELVES. You need them or you would have NO BUSINESS. They EARN their benefits off the sweat off their brows. They give you time, labor and services and in exchange you give them the mutually agreed upon wage package. The WAGES belong to them. You forfeit all rights to the wages by accepting the work from the employers. They don't owe you any explanation for how they use those wages and benefits -- that is their PRIVATE PROPERTY.
Workers are entitled to their PRIVATE PROPERTY. Butt out. It's not yours. It's their name on the insurance policy , not yours. Butt out!