AFL-CIO Maps Out Final Voter Push For Obama, Democrats
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
1 second ago ( 6:15 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
There is seven times the known amount of fossil carbon fuels than is needed to kill the world if it is burned, or enough to kill seven Earths if you burn it all. A ton of coal (pure Carbon, atomic weight 12) turns into 3.6 tons of CO2 (Oxygen atomic weight 16 x 2) when burned in the air -- so much for clean coal. Natural gas (methane = CH4) is 25 times more powerful greenhouse gas by destroying ozone layer, than CO2 -- so much for clean natural gas. Just because something is transparent and invisible does not mean it is environmentally good. Loose CH4 molecules escaping from fracking is ungood, but burning a ton of CH4 still produces 2.75 tons of CO2 gas.
Do not be fooled by language: carbon fuels = bad, whether it is "clean" coal, or "clean" natural gas. Get the "carbon" out, not the dirty image wording.
One acre of cheap 16% efficient polycrystal silicon solar PV panels mines two tons of coal energy each year for the 25 guaranteed lifespan years it is operating. One acre of PV mines 50 tons of coal energy equivalent in it's lifetime, without carbon emissions if it is made using PV energy.
2 seconds ago ( 5:38 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
"Marriage is and always has been the union of a man and a woman." - Frank Schubert
Marriage is between a man and his sister: Abraham & Sarah, father of the Jews.
Marriage is between a man and his sister and his sister's slave: Abraham & Hagar, father of the Jews again.
Marriage is between a man and his four wives: yup, Abraham, father of the Jews again. chapters 11-25 of the Book of Genesis
Marriage is between a virgin and her rapist: Deuteronomy 22. The rapist can have as many rape-wives as he can afford to pay the rape-bride price of $50 set by god himself.
Marriage is between a soldier and one or more female virgin prisoners of war: Deuteronomy 21. The warrior-rapist can have as many war-rape-brides as he can afford, no charge by god.
Marriage is between a man and his 700 wives and 300 concubines: Solomon, wiseguy, 1 Kings 11:3.
Marriage is between a Man and his wife and his brother's widow: Deuteronomy 25:5-10
Marriage is between a man and his "many wives": Gideon had 70 sons from the many women he took as wives. He also had a concubine who bore him a son. Judges 8:30
1 second ago (12:01 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Four percent of Americans are SOCIOPATHS. Look that term up, understand it, recognize the symptoms, grasp that there is no cure -- the leopard never changes its spots.
ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER, sociopathy, is characterized by frequent and bold lying, among other defining symptoms. Lying is a warning sign, one to be taken seriously, and then other symptoms are looked for vigilantly.
Since the condition is permanent, incurable, and onsets in most people by age 15, if you can find the bundle of defining symptoms anywhere in a person's life history, then you can be certain that person is sociopathic NOW.
The statistic 4% or 1-in-25 people is abstract, so figure out of the three houses directly across the street from yourself, and within two houses left or right side of you lives one cutthroat sociopath. That might seem like a lot of sociopaths, but with 1-in-6 boys and 1-in-4 girls getting molested by age 16, that number may actually be undercounting the enemies in our midst.
Sociopaths make a hidden voting block, voting for their PREDATORY self-interest, and to give other sociopaths smokescreens and confusion to operate behind. Positions of power to control and prey on victims attract sociopaths, whom use remorseless dirty tricks to defeat their opposition. Politics, military, clergy, business and industry, have higher density of sociopaths at the top ranks.
Jeb & George Bush's great grandpa Samuel Bush worked for Rockefellers (Exxon founders), presiding over Buckeye Steel Castings Company, one of many companies owned by the World's First Billionaires. Sam Bush pioneered the game of golf and was playing partner with presidents out on the greens under the open sky. The Bush workers had no union, and worked 12 hour shifts 365 days a year without weekends, without vacations, without healthcare, without retiring, without pensions. The Bush workers never saw the sunlight and open sky for their entire adult life. Unions gave you the weekend. Unions gave you the 40-hour week, gave you retirement pensions, gave you healthcare benefits, unemployment insurance, disability compensation. The Bushs and the Exxon-Rockefellers opposed all that, often with machine guns and bullets and assassinations at Coal Creek/Paint Creek, KY in 1912-1913, and the Ludlow Massacre of 1914.