Friday, October 19, 2012

AFL-CIO Maps Out Final Voter Push For Obama, Democrats

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Jeb & George Bush's great grandpa Samuel Bush worked for Rockefellers (Exxon founders), presiding over Buckeye Steel Castings Company, one of many companies owned by the World's First Billionaires. Sam Bush pioneered the game of golf and was playing partner with presidents out on the greens under the open sky. The Bush workers had no union, and worked 12 hour shifts 365 days a year without weekends, without vacations, without healthcare, without retiring, without pensions. The Bush workers never saw the sunlight and open sky for their entire adult life. Unions gave you the weekend. Unions gave you the 40-hour week, gave you retirement pensions, gave you healthcare benefits, unemployment insurance, disability compensation. The Bushs and the Exxon-Rockefellers opposed all that, often with machine guns and bullets and assassinations at Coal Creek/Paint Creek, KY in 1912-1913, and the Ludlow Massacre of 1914.