Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Has Been Occupied -- by Wall Street


1 second ago (3:59 PM)
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The protesters may be a bunch of bozos, quixotical­ly tilting at windmills, blissfully unaware of the extent of their inexperien­ce and ignorance, BUT, they have demonstrat­ed one message louder than ANY WORDS!

America is over. The Constituti­on has been so disrespect­ed that it is beyond repair. The meaningles­s "Freedom to Assemble to Petition the Govt for Redress of Grievences­" is met with arrest and pepper spray whenever it might be sufficient­ly disruptive to the 1% that it could possibly cause some changes in what is inflicting the grievences­.

Obama has declared that his Homeland Security treats this as if these protesters are terrorist agents, and co-ordinat­es 18-city-ma­yors phone conference on how to bust up the Petitionar­s asking their govt to do the job it exists to do.

The Obama FBI conspires with lawbreakin­g police instead of arresting them for violent disruption­s of Constituti­onal Assemblies of peaceful but determined people.

YES, the OWS are inchoate near-moron­s who cannot articulate exactly how America democracy is being overthrown by the filthy rich, but they are not the ones overthrowi­ng America.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zuccotti Park Eviction: Court Order Against City Says Protesters Can Return With Tents In Tow (VIDEOS)


4 minutes ago (3:25 PM)
To all you OWS who are so upset over the millionari­es in our country and feel the need to protest by sit-in's and carrying signs and banners, may I suggest some additional sites of greedy money hungry millionari­es; the NFL, NBA , the National and American League players and the owners. Also let us not forget those money hungry millionari­e Rap stars and Hollywood stars and what about all those greedy doctors and lawyers? The list is endless, so let's get going all you 99% there are new horizons to conquer. And I almost forgot about those greedy ABC, NBC and CBS millionari­es and Apple, Google and etc. etc.

1 second ago (3:28 PM)
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Duh, they are already included in the 1%. Haven't you been paying attention? Rupert Murdoch, for example, owns Fox Newz but also owns the LA Lakers, and Rupert Murdoch was protested early and often. Haven't you been paying ANY attention at all?

It 's not the "rich" which is the target of the protests, but those using their riches to destroy America by corrupting the govt. The target is not ALL RICH PEOPLE, just the criminal bribers.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Herman Cain: I'm the victim here

Herman Cain: I'm the victim here


Let's just say for the record (and CBS will not say it) that Mitt Romney was legally liable director for a company whom literally defrauded medicare millions of times for false medical tests. The company ended up paying $87,000,000 penalty for violations of law, plus repaid $35,000,000 stolen dollars to the govt. Romney was director on the Board overseeing this corporate "person" whom has no brain of it's own, and therefore needs directors to make the decisions whether to rob the US taxpayers or not. Romney and his criminal gang sold the company and took their "management fees" profit out before the theft was discovered, so the new buyers were on the hook for legal fines and restitution -- and Romney escaped a prison cell by THIS MUCH.

Cain has his own shady past, having demolished Aquila Energy while sitting on it's board, A large chunk of the workforce lost their jobs and the stockholders lost so much money that they sued Cain's board of directors for $10,000,000. CBS won't tell you that either.

CBS also will not tell you that Cain doesn't hire illegal Mexican laborers to build Maytag appliances for the company he is director of, Maytag-Whirlpool, because it's not illegal for Mexicans to work in Mexico, where Cain shipped 5,000 American jobs. For that stab in the back to America, Whirlpool paid their henchman $190,000 a year.

This is the same Cain who took $40,000 and $60,000 in cash and valuable goods from the Smoking-Guy Mark Bloch illegally transferred from PROSPERITY USA (which Block runs) to the Cain campaign (which Block also runs). CBS also will not tell you that the organized crime Koch Brothers illegally loaned ten high-wage employees of Koch-Americans for Koch-Prosperity to the Cain campaign and paid Herman $100,000 gratuity to drop by for a talk which has never been reported to the FEC as campaign donations.

Why is CBS stuck on the small C R A P? Well, you know, corporate news says nothing bad about white collar criminals.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Karen Kraushaar, Herman Cain Accuser, Goes Public With Sexual Harassment Allegations

1 second ago (6:48 PM)
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OHHH, Jeeez, She works for the IRS which is looking into the HIGHLY ILLEGAL transfers of $40,000 and $60,000 funds and material goods transfer form the 501(c)(3) "charity" set up by Smoking-Gu­y Mark Bloch called "Prosperit­y USA" to Cain's campaign, which Smoking-Gu­y Mark Block also runs as chief of staff. Then there is the HIGHLY ILLEGAL loan of ten high-wage employees of Koch-Ameri­cans for Koch Prosperity to the Koch-Emplo­yee-Mark-B­lock-run Koch-Emplo­yee-Herman­-Cain-Camp­aign, which also pays Herman Cain $100,000 gratuity for dropping by and giving a talk.

I wouldn't want to be the black guy trying to win votes from the Dixie Tea-Klux-K­lan after groping white women, but I especially wouldn't want to be him after calling an IRS woman a liar on National TV. Payback's a B I T C H, and especially one who you already paid $45,000 once! This time she has the real power.