Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Karen Kraushaar, Herman Cain Accuser, Goes Public With Sexual Harassment Allegations

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OHHH, Jeeez, She works for the IRS which is looking into the HIGHLY ILLEGAL transfers of $40,000 and $60,000 funds and material goods transfer form the 501(c)(3) "charity" set up by Smoking-Gu­y Mark Bloch called "Prosperit­y USA" to Cain's campaign, which Smoking-Gu­y Mark Block also runs as chief of staff. Then there is the HIGHLY ILLEGAL loan of ten high-wage employees of Koch-Ameri­cans for Koch Prosperity to the Koch-Emplo­yee-Mark-B­lock-run Koch-Emplo­yee-Herman­-Cain-Camp­aign, which also pays Herman Cain $100,000 gratuity for dropping by and giving a talk.

I wouldn't want to be the black guy trying to win votes from the Dixie Tea-Klux-K­lan after groping white women, but I especially wouldn't want to be him after calling an IRS woman a liar on National TV. Payback's a B I T C H, and especially one who you already paid $45,000 once! This time she has the real power.