Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oakland Police Critically Injure Iraq War Vet During Occupy March

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The police need to remember it was the Killer-Koc­h-Brothers who funded the Tea-Party-­Hatriots movement which included the HUTAREE branch of the Michigan Militia. The Hutaree planned to kill cops, them mad bomb the funeral procession further killing their families and friends. The Michigan Militia radicalize­d the Oklahoma City Terrorist Bomber Timothy McVey, who targeted Federal Police and their daycare center in return for the Waco Branch Davidian raid that went after a child molester gun-runner­.

The Killer Koch Brothers themselves operated CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy) which put a $5,000,000­+ a year budget into the hands of CSE-Treasu­rer KKK-Tom_Po­sey, state-spon­sored-terr­orist who was gunrunner to the terrorists who overthrew a democratic­ally-elect­ed government in Nicaragua using money stolen from the taxpayers of the USA selling arms to terrorist state Iran.

The police need to understand whose side they are on. CSE was folded into "Freedomwo­rks" and AFP (Koch-Amer­eicans for Koch-Prosp­erity) whom created and puppetmast­er the Tea-Party-­Hatriots.