Rupert Murdoch Looking To Buy LA Times, Chicago Tribune: Reports
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
1 second ago ( 2:27 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Hostile takeover. Just like the RJ Reynolds tobacco fortune was used as leverage to buy pipsqueek AOL, then AOL rolled over Time-Warner-CNN, and CNN became Fox-lite. Oh, and then AOL bought Huffington Post.
The "Liberal Media" is only as liberal as the conservative billionaires who own it all. Why do you think half of your comments never are allowed past the censors.
1 second ago ( 2:18 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
What happened in Appalachia was the Exxon-founding-Rockefellers secretly bought up entire counties as the world's first billionaires. Charles Pratt sold the Pratt Company at Cold Creek and Paint Creek, WV, decades before but pretended that he still owned it. The coal companies on "Pratt's land" were struck by union organizers in 1912-1913 and the Rockefellers hired the Baldwin–Felts Detective Agency to break the strike. There were home invasion murders and sniper assassinations ultimately breaking the unionization effort. In 1914 the Baldwin–Felts Detective Agency was moved with their armored car and four machine guns to Ludlow Colorado to terrorize the coal strikers at a Rockefeller controlled coal company there -- ultimately leading to the massacre of 19 children, women and men in the striker's tent camp. The Rockefellers have been governors and senators of Appalachian states, mountain-topping for a never-ending greed binge.
1 second ago (12:16 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Why is it that all journalists, everywhere, all of the time, do not stand for integrity and refuse to permit their show to be a platform for lying. If a politician makes a false statement which contradicts the facts known to any news agency which may have paid thousands of dollars on talent and resources to nail down the true facts, said news program has some kind of obligation to not be party to a fraud.
1 second ago (11:33 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
It would be better yet if it disbanded. Look, the Jews never wandered the 260 miles of the Sinai desert for 40 years -- that didn't happen. The daily progress was 35 feet, and that's about ten paces -- it was a longer trip to the latrine than ten paces. Nowadays tourist boats pull up to Cairo, the tourists pile into buses and drive three hours to Mt Sinai, stopping frequently for checkpoints and roadblocks, gawk at the original burning bush pointed out to them by the guide, then are hustled back to Cairo, Egypt for supper.
This stuff never happened. The Earth wasn't created in 6 days. Didn't happen. God didn't come down and tell the Serial Killer Moses detailed instructions for selling your daughters as sex slave concubines (Exodus 21:7-11), or exactly down to the penny how much a father charges a rapist caught in the act of raping his daughter has to pay him to not be stoned to death for his crime (Deuteronomy 22:28). It never happened. It is not true.
Grow up already.
1 second ago (10:00 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Exxon-founder John D. Rockefeller, Sr. began donating to German Racial Purity Institutes in 1904, when Adolph Hitler was still in the first grade of school. Exxon (then called Standard Oil) sold 500 tons of TetraEthyl Lead to the Nazis on the brink of WWII, allowing the high performance engines to have the leaded gas fuel of the Luftwaft to conduct their Blitzkreig for the duration of the war. Exxon-Standard refuels Nazi ships in the Canary Islands during the war, and protected their patent deals with Auschwitz-partner I.G. Farben for the duration of the war.Chairman of Exxon-Standard Oil, William Stamps Farish pled no contest to charges of Trading With The Enemy. Jeb Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was a nazi sympathizer operating a nazi bank at 39 Broadway across the street from Exxon-Standard Oil offices at 26 Broadway, and he was an energetic proponent of Eugenics.
The Nazi's based their racial purity laws upon United States laws passed here by plutocrats intent on eliminating the "lower tenth" of bad genes, bad race. Before the Nazis more than half the states had passed compulsory sterilization laws promoted by plutocrat fortunes. 60,000 Americans underwent forced sterilization.
1 second ago ( 9:13 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Bengazi is a war zone with two sides armed with military weapons, spies and counterspies galore. Recent civil war gave military training to every able bodied male. The anti-US faction located close to Bengazi sent more Al Qaida to Iraq than any other spot on Earth.
It does not take a lot of planning for a phone tree to call up four or six trucks of soldiers and tell them to saddle up. The Consulate was fully surveilled, with video phones recording every direction of approach and all comers and goers, local delivery people giving comprehensive interior details. The "safe house" one mile (ten blocks) away, likely was totally compromised, and the safe house was where the murders took place.
Whatever was going on was TOP SECRET. The ambassador was not traveling with a convoy of bodyguards, on 9/11 anniversary, with Al Qaida still angry hornets over the drone killing of their local hero (The Libyan) Abu Yahya al-Libi, Al Qaeda's then-number two, who was born in this vicinity.
The public does not know, and does not need to know, the TOP SECRET details.
Al Qaida has been at war with the US for decades. An act of war, call it terrorism, or ambush, or murder as you prefer, makes no difference what words you use. People die in war zones, heros know the risk and go anyway. It is giving aid and comfort to the enemy to fight among ourselves over choice of words.
1 second ago ( 8:26 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
RobMe has Romnesia which causes him to act like Romneyhood, stealing pensions from the middle class workers and putting them into trust funds for his sons.
1 second ago ( 7:58 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
There was one single action that O.J. Simpson engaged in that wiped out an entire lifetime of good things.
The Catholic Church is spending political money to enshrine their beliefs as law of the land in violation of First Amendment rights of gays not to be bullied by somebody else's religion. For that unforgiveable sin the Catholic Church is an organized crime organization overthrowing the the Constitution of the US, using gay taxpayers money to subsidize their tax exemptions to accomplish a wickedly evil act.
The Catholic Church has rejected the Constitution of the United States and forfeits any rights it holds under the Constitution of the United States. The Catholic Church should be banned in America, regardless of any good things they happened to do besides the great evil thing they are obsessed with doing.
1 second ago ( 7:13 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
I already figured it out. Romney would invest in Chinese car factories in an open field without US competition. Obama raised the mileage of US cars -- Ford is advertising a model with 100 MPGe. Repug were appointing bribeable men to the Supreme Court, money laundered through Federalist Society as Speaker's fees, but Obama appointed two women including one minority, making court look more like America.
The DEBT goes mostly to plutocrats living in America, who vampire off the rest. The US was in debt at the end of the Revolution and it never hurt America over 200 years -- The Spanish-American War just got paid off recently and WWI is no where near being fully paid for yet. Repugs hurt America whenever they are out of power -- there is $2 TRILLION sitting idle in Repig corporations NOT BEING INVESTED IN AMERICA right now. If giving money to corporations caused them to hire American Workers than Apple would be the largest employer of American Workers.
0 second ago ( 6:55 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
------ Romney Google Searches ------
Diverting Medicare Funds to Swiss Bank Accounts.
Siphoning Social Security Funds through Cayman Islands.
Advanced Crony Capitalism.
Paying Taxes in New Hampshire but Voting in Massachusetts, How To.
Money Laundering.
More Funny Ways to Fire Workers.
Nutritional Value of Dogfood made of Old People.
Maximum number of simultaneous wars US can engage.
Google Maps Wall Street Cronies.
How to Restart the Military Draft for Poor People.
1 second ago ( 6:29 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Clint Eastwood has made it clear to me where he stands. I expect lots of empty chairs for any future showing of flicks involving Eastwood in any way.
Personally, I don't give financial support to people who side with predatory sociopaths who will pillage my social security, rob my medicare, steal from my quality of life to further enrich themselves.
I am not a low IQ as the Tea-Klux-Klan and I don't support criminals above the law raping the Earth and all mankind.
1 second ago ( 3:02 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
QUOTE: ""Social scientists, whether they be pagans or Christians, alike agree that the best environment to raise a child has one mom and one dad," Reisetter said. "
If two parents are great, three parents would be 50% better, four parents double as good, ten parents 500% whoopie-good!
Great argument for polygamy and polyandry, and group marriage.
Unfortunately, the christian is a liar son-of-satan as all liars are sns of satan, so said Jesus. Social scientists do not agree that one-man-one-woman are any better than two-men or two-women, but you are still a son-of-satan wolf-in-sheep's-clothing Jesus warned us about.
Why do we have so much difficulty in discussing this man's history with the tobacco corporate serial murderers. Murdoch was the largest holder of Philip Morris stocks, so he sat on the Board of Directors of Philip Morris Tobacco Company during the time that PM was guilty of federal racketeering and frauds, deceiving their customers to their deaths. Director Rupert Murdoch directed $75,000,000 a year go from Philip Morris bank accounts to his TV GUIDE bank account for advertising which appeared as stiff glossy ads that caused the magazine to open to the cigarette ad pages. The TV Guide was delivered to homes filled with children looking up showtimes for their favorite programs. These ads couldn't have been more targeted at children then if they were published in comic books (which PM does internationally today).
Murdoch was also director at CATO INSTITUTE which was a laundering place for tobacco paychecks for sleazy crooked scientists who operated the racketeering outfit known as "TASSC" or The Association for Sound Science Coalition. CATO was founded by Charles Koch money and directed by brother David Koch. Koch institutes, foundations and think tanks were totally involved with the tobacco racketeers.