Julian Bond, Former NAACP Chair: Tea Party Is 'Taliban Wing Of American Politics'
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on HuffingtonPost.com as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
1 second ago ( 6:01 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
This blog attempts to simplify by digging out key documents which illustrate the creation of the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT by Tobacco Racketeers and their paid henchmen.
Here is an example of how long this has been in the works... in 1982 a public relation contractor presented a plan for a mock "Boston Tea Party" including characters wearing historical costumes to foster a tax revolt for the benefit of tobacco sales -- lower cigarette taxes lead to increased sales.
Hundreds Show Up For Tar Heel Tea Party
The Robesonian - Aug 1, 2001
About 700 people showed up at the Heel Tea Party," some wearing tea bags ... group that included the John Locke Foundation and Citizens for a Sound Economy. ...
2 seconds ago ( 5:07 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Why probe? This is what happened in a nutshell.
Feb 18, 2010 Terrorist Joe Stark flies his kamikazi plane into an IRS office, killing himself, a bystander and an IRS office worker in Austin, Texas.
Feb 19th the TEA PARTY PATRIOTS tweets that Joe Stark is thier kind of guy "AN AMERICAN HERO".
Feb 20th 2010, TEA PARTY PATRIOTS BLOG repeats the "American Hero".
Subsequently after the IRS funeral groups with TEA PARTY and/or PATRIOTS in their name are given appropriate scrutiny to see if they are political agitators which is forbidden by law to get the tax exemption the were asking for.
Tea Party Patriots @TPPatriots
God bless Joe Stack an american hero http://bit.ly/3kIUEv #tpp #sgp #912 #TeaParty #tcot #p2
Tea Baggers - "We Love Joe Stack"
Michigan "Hutaree" militia group had Tea Party connections
The "Hutaree" militia--eight members of which were arrested over the weekend--were Tea Partyers. Watch this video from CNN and pay attention to the footage of the group's website: they actively advertised their participation in a Tea Party event.
[TEA PARTY PATRIOTS, to be exact, and it was 1 month after terrorist Joe Stark murdered people at an IRS building].
So does anybody want to explain this... ? ? ?
In 1982 the Tobacco Mafia is in the middle of a 50-year racketeering fraud killing Americans with knowingly deadly products and a "madman" pitches that they create a front operation, a "Boston Tea Party" with people in historical costumes throwing tobacco off ships to protest taxes.
In 2000 the Philip Morris Company approves $100,000 for the year to go to the Koch-Tobacco Front Group Citizens for a Sound Economy, which in five years will be renamed Freedomworks-CSE run by the same Dick Armey under both names. Note that the email from PM also cites $892,000 paid by Philip Morris to Koch CSE in 1999.
In 2001 CSE is throwing tea bags around in a noisy publicity riot with 700 Tea Baggers in the State Capital Building in North Carolina sponsored by KOCH CSE. George W Bush was just starting his first year in office and they had already "taken their country back". Nobody knew who Obama was in 2001.
In 2002 the KOCH CSE website hosts the USTEAPARTY.COM website until 2005, again long before Obama.
In 2005 CSE morphs to: FREEDOMWORKS-CSE and Koch-Americans for Koch-Prosperity. Both groups sponsor Tea Party chapters nationwide, paid by the Big Tobacco Companies.