is a BIG PROBLEM when a plutocracy of the world's richest men have
agreed that the future of the planet is one big Götterdämmerung, a
holocaust end-times war of the world's end, and there is no future
beyond that, no investment past that, no reason to preserve anything at
There is seven times the carbon fuel reserves needed to
kill the planet, with more being found all the time. Why bother to
preserve breathable air? Why bother to head off global warming? RMoney's
five kids are going down in the flames like everybody else's kids, so
who cares if they have any ecology? Let's party like it's 666!
the rich don't care about their own children, you can't use persuasion
any longer -- they cannot be altered by logic or reason from their
path. Sociopath's do not think like you, and you better learn the
symptoms to watch for if you want to live.
It is really very very simple...
Is the operation regulated by the state under the BUSINESS LAW CODE?
Does the operation require a BUSINESS LICENSE issued by a govt entity.
the skilled worker-employee class require their own licensing and/or
degrees or certification by the state, such as educators, doctors,
If the operation mainly structured as a commercial
activity, with prices, fees and transaction costs attached to the
majority of the dealings with the outside public customer base, whether
or not it is ultimately a "non-profit charity" for IRS tax purposes?
If it is a BUSINESS, then it is NOT A RELIGION and shut your lying mouths.
is satanic, so said Jesus. Liars are children of satan, the father of
lies, so says Jesus. Lying is not christian and it is not catholic.
Obama's rule does not give "free" birth control to anybody. Any contrary statement is a LIE.
health insurance policies are free market products which are sold to individuals whose name is on them. They are PRIVATE PROPERTY OF THE
OWNER, not property of the church, not property of the govt, not
property of the employer.
Employee policies are always, without
exception, a form of wages earned by the work of the employee. They are
the fairly-earned private property of the person whose name is on them.
The Employer pays the Employee a Health Insurance Policy in lieu of
cash wages, or in lieu of a portion of cash wages. The employer acts
only as the aggregator of the group of employees for a substantial
discount on the cost of insurance.
Any employer contribution to
the insurance is illusionary -- the employee ALWAYS generates 100% of
the value of the policy and none of the costs are charity from the
employer or govt.
Employees are the root and source of all
income. Attracting employees has led to offering generous "compensation
packages" which includes up-front stated healthcare insurance. The
policy as a reward is negotiated at time of employment. The employer
concedes that the healthcare policy is property of the employee and is a
reward for labor and services rendered by the employee.
govt does not ask employers to provide specific birth control. It
requires healthcare insurers to make it a part of every policy so
policyholders can exercise their freewill choice to avail themselves of
the benefits of their labors as they choose. Employers are not given
intrusion into the free-market to dictate the limits on employees how
they shall dispose of their wages and private property rights. Churches
may not restrict the private parties, the insurer and the insured, and
the private property rights of women are protected from religious
interference in private matters which the church has no authority to
All religion in America is voluntary. The courts may
not be used to impose laws on individuals favoring one religion or
another upon the unwilling.
Churches are limited to persuasion
and leading by example. People may choose a religion and decide to
subscribe or decide to cancel their subscription. No religion may coerce
any person through laws. The 1st Amendment is an ABSOLUTE WALL OF
Congress shall make no law... means CATHOLICS may make no law through congress or the courts.