David Keene, NRA President, Argues Against Gun Control (VIDEO)
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on HuffingtonPost.com as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
1 second ago Ms Liann
Call it whatever you like. You can't shame a sociopath who has no conscience, but you can make them very unpopular which makes functioning like a sociopath preying on society a lot more difficult.
The DC Snipers used the BUSHMASTER M4 AR-15 same as Adam Lanza. When the cops arrested the snipers and got the gun they traced it back to a gun store in Tacoma, Washington. It could not be proven that a backdoor sale without a background check never happened, as the store says the snipers "stole" the gun that they never reported stolen. However, they paid $2,000,000 in a lawsuit as accomplices or enablers for not keeping better control of their gun. BUSHMASTER paid another half million dollars as co-defendant.
This NOT EXAGGERATION -- it's history.
This is NOT OVER-REACTING -- it's smart action.
You have identified yourself as somebody who cares about guns more than the slaughtered kids. There is no cure for sociopathy so further discussion with you is pointless from the perspective of changing your mind. However, keep talking -- it's informative that others get to see how a sociopath thinks so they know how to recognize it.
1 second ago ( 5:52 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The PRESIDENT of the NRA: David A. Keene
Keene's son, David Michael Keene, is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for a road rage incident in Virginia in 2002 in which he fired a gun at another motorist.
(Somebody should update wikipedia, it's been 10 years since 2002)
New NRA Prez David Keene's Son Is a Convicted Road-Rage Shooter
Court records from the Eastern District of Virginia reveal that David Michael Keene was arrested on Dec. 5, 2002, and ultimately pleaded guilty in a plea bargain. There was a “change of plea hearing” the following April, at which he withdrew a not guilty plea and pleaded guilty a single count in an indictment.
The government moved to dismiss other counts and at a sentencing hearing in July of that year, Judge Leonie M. Brinkeman ordered him to 10 years in prison with five years of supervised released afterward. His sentence includes orders to remain drug-free, participation in mental health counseling, anger management and a ban on possession of firearms, and his release date is scheduled for February 2012.
2 seconds ago ( 4:13 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Republicans keep cutting schools, keep cutting police, keep trying to shrink govt small enough to drag it to the bathtub to drown it.
When George W. Bush swept in republicans controlled all three branches of govt completely. They got stuff done.
When Barack Obama swept in the democrats had control )barely) of all three branches of govt (and despite many republican sabotage filibusters) they got stuff done.
If you want to get stuff done you need one-party rule because republicans won't work with democrats.
We need to take clear majorities next election and we need to work every single day to get there.
The Tea Party is the Koch Wing of the Republican Party. If Koch wants to rule America let him run for office like Obama did. The last time Koch ran for Vice President he couldn't get 1% of the crazy fringe to vote for him.
The NRA is the armorers of the Republican Party. The NRA-GOP is one unity, no daylight between them.
The Catholic Bishops and Mormon Bishops are the (wolves in sheep's clothing) clergy of the Republican Party. Opposing healthcare because Obama is black, not birth control which was in their insurance plans for employees for decades.
This gang throws 46,000 people off the roofs of hospitals annually, so to speak, deaths through denial of access to medical technology easily made available in most civilized countries.
Republicans are NOT NICE PEOPLE. Nancy Lanza will turn out to be registered republican survivalist gun hoarders.
1 second ago ( 4:44 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Lies with statistics. The gun deaths is what we are talking about, although guns are also used in rapes and assaults but if the victim didn't die are not part of the numbers.
It's a sleazy way to hide the fact that gun deaths are astronomical because rapes and assaults are down, and lumping in unrelated crimes can phoney up the statistics to make guns look better
32,000 Americans will die needless deaths. Our accomplice above things that's fine.
18,000 deaths will happen because easy access to plentiful guns will lead to suicides. When the DC Snipers were convicted of serial killing 10 people, police traced the weapon to the gun store where they stole it. The gun store and Bushmaster paid $2.5 million lawsuit settlement as accessory for providing the weapon through negligence. The NRA can be charged as accomplice and negligent homicide for 18,000 suicides that were largely preventable if the finality and easiness of death by guns was less available.
Lies is one symptom of ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER -- a mental illness that can bar a person from guns for life. Reckless disregard of the rights and safety of others is a second symptom. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another, saying the pile of dead ain't so large.
2 seconds ago ( 5:20 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
That got me started, thanks: http://www.meetthenra.org/nra-member/David%20A.%20Keene
Keene’s son, David Michael Keene, was charged with attempted first degree murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison for firing a gun at another vehicle during a 2002 road rage incident. At the time of the incident, Keene was working with his father at ACU as an online communications director. Between the ages of 8 and 13, David Michael Keene was institutionalized seven times for “severe emotional problems,” including “a continuing problem with impulse control.”
They can take away drivers licenses and right to bear arms, which are not absolute rights but privileges.
QUOTE: When Schieffer said that it's easier to get a gun in the United States than a driver's license, Keene responded, "There' s a difference between a driver's license, driving is a privilege, and owning a firearm, which is a constitutional right."
David A. Keene has a son David Michael Keene, who just got out of prison after ten years sentence for attempted murder. The judge's sentence included 5 more years of supervision plus Keene is banned from gun possession for life.
Crazy people don't get guns in America. We need to weed out the crazies and take away their guns. Crazies think the constitution is a suicide pact where the public lets the gun-nuts do whatever they want wherever they want to whoever they want whenever they want.
Anybody who says crazy things about the constitution need to lose their guns.