Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zuccotti Park Eviction: Court Order Against City Says Protesters Can Return With Tents In Tow (VIDEOS)


4 minutes ago (3:25 PM)
To all you OWS who are so upset over the millionari­es in our country and feel the need to protest by sit-in's and carrying signs and banners, may I suggest some additional sites of greedy money hungry millionari­es; the NFL, NBA , the National and American League players and the owners. Also let us not forget those money hungry millionari­e Rap stars and Hollywood stars and what about all those greedy doctors and lawyers? The list is endless, so let's get going all you 99% there are new horizons to conquer. And I almost forgot about those greedy ABC, NBC and CBS millionari­es and Apple, Google and etc. etc.

1 second ago (3:28 PM)
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Duh, they are already included in the 1%. Haven't you been paying attention? Rupert Murdoch, for example, owns Fox Newz but also owns the LA Lakers, and Rupert Murdoch was protested early and often. Haven't you been paying ANY attention at all?

It 's not the "rich" which is the target of the protests, but those using their riches to destroy America by corrupting the govt. The target is not ALL RICH PEOPLE, just the criminal bribers.