Debt Ceiling Hike Stalls In Senate
Ms Liann
Commented 5 minutes ago in Politics
(1) Obama needs to dispatch Vice President Joe Biden to do his CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY as PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE
(2) The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE needs to declare a vote on changing Senate rules to suspend the FILIBUSTER. (If republicans can suspend the govt, the Senate can suspend the filibuster).
(3) By MAJORITY VOTE 50% plus 1, the Senate will pass the bill to repeal the debt ceiling permanently, forcing every person in the Senate to go on roll call vote record as to their permanent position on paying America's debts created by laws of Congress, and required by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
(4) The Senate will resolve that it is recessing until after Obama signs into law that bill, requiring the House to act to bring the Senate back.
(5) The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE will personally address the 9 members of the United States Supreme Court, informing them that that the Senate is officially in RECESS, and reminding the supremes that the Executive is co-equal to, not beneath, the Judicial Branch of Govt. This notification reminds the supremes of the president's recess appointment powers is now in effect for the duration.
(6) No further congress business will be enacted other than the house approving without amendment pending bills for a clean CR and repealing the Debt Limit.
(7) The Senate will stand adjourned in recess until the new Congress is elected in 2014 or until President Obama signs the bills and sends Vice President Joe Biden to call the Senate back from recess, whichever comes first.
(8) There will be no negotiations on any subject, between the executive branch and the House, nor between the Senate and the House. The US GOVT is officially completely closed until the republican minority surrenders unconditionally. …
#GOP #TeaParty #Insurrection #Treason #DebtCeiling #14thAmendment #Obama #JoeBiden #Senate #SupremeCourt #GITMO #KOCH