Chris Christie Rails Against 'Very Dangerous' Libertarian Policy, Rand Paul
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
3 hours ago ( 1:39 PM)Hmmm...So it rather sounds like you suggest halting speech if "you" consider it hateful under "your" interpretation of the constitution. Also sounds like you would put many in jail for the same reason. How about forming some large re-education camps. They did those in China and Russia!!!
2 seconds ago Ms Liann
You cannot commit fraud when selling your termite-infested house You can't yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater where there is no fire.
It is a CRIMINAL ACT to attack and harass FREE AMERICANS using FRAUD and HATE SPEECH to deprive them from using their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
The US SUPREME COURT HAS RULED that anti-abortion criminals can be prosecuted in criminal and civil courts despite there being no profit motive, as RACKETEERS and ORGANIZED CRIME as evil as the mafia under the laws.
Just because you have a weird god and a bizarre church does not give you special rights to steal from your neighbors their peaceful enjoyment of their rights. JEHOVAH is not the law in THIS LAND.
2 seconds ago ( 4:39 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
It is ORGANIZED CRIME to gang-harrass a business to close which is providing 100% LEGAL CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHTS and SERVICES.
Any church which participated should have it's leaders JAILED.
Any political party which participated should have it's leadership JAILED.
42 minutes ago ( 3:51 AM)
When one of them is married? SEVERELY depraved.
1 second ago ( 4:39 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
It is a depraved act to intrude into American's PRIVATE BUSINESS. How about if I started reading your emails, looking for Carlos Danger pseudonyms? How about if I bulk recorded all of the Tweets from your internet provider looking for junk shots? How about if I started bulk recording all phone calls in your city looking for violations of MY CHURCH DOGMA?
How depraved is it to be a PEEPING TOM looking into windows at the private marital arrangements of the FREE AMERICAN Wiener family.
How depraved is it pushing your religious TALIBAN and SHARIA LAW on strangers that you don't know and have never met, whom have never done you any personal wrong?
I lost interest in Randian Libertarianism when I found out they stood for the right of an eight year old girl to pay her tuition at public school by either engaging in prostitution with rich pedophiles or selling heroin to her classmates in the schoolyard.
Ayn Rand, er Rand Paul and his dad would have made victims of the Boston Bombing show healthcare insurance cards before carting them to hospitals. Poppa Paul at the republican debates got a big hurrah for saying something just like that:
Tea Party Crowd Cheers Letting Uninsured Die