Rupert Murdoch phone-hacking scandal: US connections grow
Murdoch is involved with another corruption scandal: his cigarette mafia past. The Marboro Cigarettes Man, Murdoch oversaw the Philip Morris Tobacco Company during a period when it was committing felony racketeering crimes. The corporation was convicted in federal court of RICO Organized Crime activities, including making corrupt payoffs for science frauds through numbered Swiss bank accounts in "Operation Whitecoats" to the tune of $16,000,000.00 in a sngle year's budget. Murdoch worked closely with the Organized Crime gang ($55,000,000.00 CRIMINAL FINES) the Koch Brothers, using Cato Institute, Reason Foundation, and Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE is now split into Freedomworks, and Americans for Prosperity).
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.