The ‘Gotham Theory’ of the Republican Party
It's time to kneecap the Tea Party Traitors once and for all. The Tobacco crime lords (including Philip Morris Tobacco Company Director for 12 years, Rupert Murdoch) directed the Koch Propaganda factory network to put into place the TEA Party plan they had toyed with for more than a decade.
Tobacco Mogul Heir C. Boyden Gray of the slave-owner fortune compounded by the RJ Reynolds Tobacco fortune was Chairman of Koch-CSE when the plan took effect using millions of tobacco dollars. Among other things Gray used the Gray family trust funds to buy up AOL, Time-Warner, CNN and recently Huffington Post as media megaphones for the Tea Party racket. Koch-CSE held a test "Tar Heels Tea Party" riot in North Carolina State Capital Bldg on August 1, 2001, early in the (W) Bush 1st term when republicans held all three branches of govt and had already taken their country back. The Koch Tobacco gang has been engaged in a hostile takeover of democracy -- North Carolina Art Pope funded John Locke Foundation co-sponsored the tobacco Tar Heels Tea Party and you now see the end result of that dirty money.
67 votes can evict Rafael Cruz from the Senate for disruptive behaviors. That would behead the current rebellion, which can be mopped up by Senate Hearings on the Koch roles in funding the shutdown the govt movement which cost America billions of dollars.
Kneecap the Tea Party.
Wa-Po: The ‘Gotham Theory’ of the Republican Party... …
#Koch #TeaParty #TedCruz #GOP #RICO