Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy Calls For Tougher Gun Controls
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
1 second ago ( 3:39 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Every politician has a duty to correct the false idea that the 2nd Amendment is ABSOLUTE.
(1) We take guns away from people getting arrested.
(2) We keep guns away from people in jails and prisons.
(3) We take guns away from people who have been convicted of a felony, FOR LIFE.
(4) We take guns away from people attempting to enter courts, airplanes, public buildings of many types.
(5) We keep guns away from people whom a judge has declared mentally unstable.
(6) We keep guns away from inmates in mental hospitals.
(7) We keep certain types of guns out of the hands of all civilians.
The idea that govt can't take away your guns and keep guns out of your hands for life is plain false propaganda sold to gullible fools used as pawns in the gun profiting business complex.
There is NO EXCUSE for people posting comments about their second amendment rights cannot be touched by govt -- the founding fathers took peoples guns away when they arrested them, when they tried them and when they put them in prison after conviction.
There is no extra-special holy rights of gun ownership.
Most importantly, nothing in the Constitution constitutes a suicide pact. If anybody reads the constitution to mean that people have to roll over and take whatever a gunman wants to do to them, they need their heads examines.
The lower Southwest corner of Connecticut has the nations heaviest gun karma of any place in America. All of Al Capone's Tommy guns used in the St Valentines Massacre were made a few miles from Newtown, CT, at Colt Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company in Hartford. The AR-15 is a trademark of Colt Arms, the style of gun used in the shooting of the school tots, located 49 minutes drive away in Hartford. Also, for 140 years Winchester Repeating Arms company was located until recently in Hartford. U. S. Fire Arms Mfg. Co. is the only gun company still manufacturing in the City of Hartford, CT
Lanza did not use a Ruger pistol, but the semi-automic handgun with models that include 16 shot (15+1) loads compare to the Glock and Sig Sauer that he carried. Sturm Ruger is located 26 miles south in Southport, Ct. A little closer, still south of Newtown for 140 years was the REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. In “Gun Valley” is Charter Arms at 16 miles southeast of Newtown. There are no direct routes to North Haven, so it is a roundabout drive of 39 miles to get due east to the Marlin Firearms Co, to get a rifleman-style lever action rifle. While in North Haven you can visit the O F Mossberg & Sons Inc for a nice shotgun. 27 miles north of Newtown is Warren, ct, home of Wildey Guns, the Charles Bronson "Death Wish" longbarrel style of handgun.