Thursday, July 14, 2011

Going After Michele Bachmann Ahead Of 2012 Has Its Risks

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Since Michele Bachmann believes STRONGLY in obeying her husband, Marcus Bachmann is the real candidate in that family -- whatever he says, goes.

Since Husband Marcus Bachmann is the actual presidenti­al candidate, it is his record, his qualificat­ions, which need to be examined.

Both Marcus Bachmann and Michele Bachmann are schooled in Liberty University­, bought out by false-mess­iah Sun Myung Moon, both Bachmann's may be presumed "moonies" in faith and obedience. Moon believes in blind obedience of his followers, so Moon the Theocrat is actually the real candidate, since both Bachmanns can be considered his followers. The DISCOVERY INSTITUTE CREATION SCIENCE was produced to insert Moonist theology into public schools and both Bachmanns believe in Creation Science Moonist Theology, then Michele Bachmann is just a figurehead standing in for her messiah.