Sunday, December 2, 2012

Susan Rice Keystone XL Attacks Put White House In A Bind
fearthebetenoire Commented 7 minutes ago in Politics

“When has she been "ramrodding" the pipeline? She isn't even nominated yet, Ms. Liann, and she will certainly divest if she is. As for Arab ownership and control of oil and supply facilities, the whole oil industry is intertwined and it is hard to single one entity in terms of ownership or control. I agree that the pipeline isn't a good idea, and its potential environmental problems are serious indeed, but let's not blow Ms. Rice out of the water for a passive investment in TransCanada. That's too stringent a standard.”

Ms Liann
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1 second ago (10:34 PM)
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Oh No You DON'T!

Murder-suicide is considered an anti-social act of great magnitude. Planet Death pushes it up notch.

Science exists and the world's climate scientists have concluded that removing carbon fuels from our energy mix is imperative to planet life.

People investing in ARAB dirty oil projects despoiling American environment are not suitable for any public office whatsoever. She can't even hide behind the flag pretending patriotism -- this oil is not being refined in the midwest but is going to ARAB-controlled export port of New Orleans where Chinese aircraft carriers will soon be patrolling protecting THEIR SUPPLY LINES.

Having the insider information from Arab sources as well as presidential cabinet information sources means that we are not dealing with "APPEARANCE of corruption" -- this is the DEFINITION OF CORRUPTION.

She's toast.

John Boehner: Congress 'Never Going To Give Up' Debt Ceiling Powers (VIDEO)
Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 4:56 PM)
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Even with these rains and snows, the midwest is blowing away. See the DROUGHT MONITOR MAP.

The RED STATES stay RED because of the GIFTS TO THE BASE: federal water projects greening Arizona golf course in mid desert, cotton subsidies that go 100% to red states, Farm Crop Insurance subsidized by Blue State city workers, Farm Aid.

The SEQUESTER CLIFF changes all that come January 1. Red States will swing Blue when the RED BASE IS NO LONGER BRIBED using money stolen from Blue States.

Don't need to do a thing but go on vacation until January 3rd.

Sure going to enjoy multi-million dollar pentagon pensions fall off the cliff on January 1.

Can't wait to see 900,000 RED COUNTY BASE VOTERS get unemployed from military contractors two days AFTER Bonewhore cuts the unemployment checks again on December 29th.

Sarah Palin: Susan Rice Attacks Aren't Racist, Sexist
Ms Liann
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1 second ago ( 3:19 PM)
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I am still waiting for Sarah to make good on her threat to sue the NATIONAL ENQUIRER if they published that report of her adultery with her husband Todd's Snowmobile Business partner while he was out of town tomcatting around. Sarah said she would sue -- the National Enquirer webpage is still posted up there. SUE, Sarah, SUE.

""It's been atrocious, and it's really indicative of a lack of competency and truthfulness, and certainly transparency" on the whole adultery sleeping around loose woman thingy. I'd use some middle class language but Huff-Po bans middle class words heard in bars and bowling alleys and political conventions. You know, that word Lush Ribald called Sandra Fluke?