January 15, 2012, 10:38 pm
Rupert Murdoch, during his stint as Director of Philip Morris Tobacco Company directed, ordered, his contractors Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch to use their front organizations paid millions of dollars by the Tobacco Racketeers to create the Tea Party ruckus. Murdoch was also director of Koch-Co-Founded CATO INSTITUTE at the same time period, sitting on the Board of Directors next to David Koch.. Koch "Citizens For A Sound Economy" (CSE) is on record receiving millions per year in tobacco money as the Tobacco Mafia tried to equate regulating tobacco serial murders with "big govt" and "excessive regulations".
The earliest scheming in the records to create a "T party" (T for Tobacco and Taxes) is 1984, but the idea was too good to abandon. By 1991 it was trialed across Canada. By August 21, 2001 the Citizens For A Sound Economy had a "Tar Heels Tea Party" throwing tea bags and being unruly in the North Carolina state capitol building. By 2002 through 2005 the CSE.org website ran the USTEAPARTY.COM website on it's own servers. This is while George Bush was serving his first term, and they already had "taken their country back."