Obama-Romney Debate: Why The Timing Favors Romney
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on HuffingtonPost.com as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
1 second ago ( 7:07 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
RobMe taught his sons to lie, actually bragged in a debate how they lied to him relentlessly trying to browbeat him with incessant lies. SOCIOPATHS lie. It is part of the definition and diagnostic symptoms. When you find a compulsive liar then you look for the confirming symptoms of ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER.
2 seconds ago ( 6:04 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Now if the guy was a HATEROSEXUAL who raped the Minister's virgin daughter, let's all read what the bible has to say about that...
OK, got it... Pay poppa $50 silver and a shotgun wedding ensues...
Deuteronomy 22:28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
22:29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.
Nothing there says the guy can't keep raping so long as he has $50 for each one he gets caught at.
1 second ago ( 4:10 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Yahway not only permits these acts, but gives in his bible detailed plans on exactly how a father sells his daughter into sex slave concubinage. You can read these details in your bible (Exodus 21:7-11) but most bible translators are embarrassed by the sordidness and try to fuzz the language to make it not seem as crass as the original version. A sex slave may be called a "handmaiden" or "servant" although numerous patriarchs getting these girls pregnant throughout the bible indicate that sex was part of what was being bought from daddy-dearest.
0 second ago ( 4:13 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
It's a slippery slope. Once you start not respecting one religion then the torah and bible are next. Before you know it people will be rational and sane, and we wouldn't want that, now, would we?
1 second ago ( 4:17 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Easily duped people can be hoodwinked into being dropped into Afghanistan against their own self interest. Nobody in Afghan is protecting me. It took the same 4 dozen men to kill Bin Ladin in 2011 as it would have taken in 2003 in Tora Bora.
There never was a great need for more than 4 dozen men to do the job. There's even less reason now.
1 second ago ( 4:23 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Letting a woman die in the emergency room from a pregnancy that is easily survivable by an abortion she's not allowed by the local American Talibans is no less painful, and the woman is no less dead at the end.
Republicans believe in 2500 year-old books that detail how much money a rapist has to pay a girl's father to avoid the death penalty of stoning ($50 silver) but don't believe in medicine and science.
Deuteronomy 22
22:28 If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
22:29 Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.
C. Boyden Gray, RJ Reynolds heir, and his siblings put up their trust funds to buy AOL, which in turn rolled over (Bain-style) Time-Warner-CNN. C. Boyden Gray, of the Eugenics-Grays, was Chairman of the Board of the Kochtopus CSE (Citizens for a Sound Economy), the tobacco fraudster think tank. CSE morphed in 2004-2005 into FREEDOMWORKS-CSE and AFP (Americans for Koch Prosperity) which together spawned the Tea Party with partner Rupert Murdoch.
From 2002-2005, during C. Boyden Grays term as Chairman, CSE ran a website called USTEAPARTY.COM as a project of CSE, and it was mirrored on CSE.org website page for page. A visit to the WAYBACK MACHINE at archive.org confirms these facts. Dick Armey and Freedomworks-CSE held a noisy rally, recorded by numerous newspapers still in the deep archives, called TAR HEELS TEA PARTY August 2001 early in George Bush's first term, funded by tobacco money.
AOL-CNN is like Fox-lite because the same cronies own both media, and bought Huff-Po not long ago.