Donations From Tobacco Maker Reynolds American Fund Secretive Nonprofits
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
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The Tea Party was created by ORGANIZED CRIME money, by a criminal gang who kills 400,000 Americans per year. Death Threats is normal business practices to them.
Tea Party Crooked
The Tea Party was created by crooks in the Tobacco Mafia, and their mercenary contractors like Citizens For A Sound Economy, Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity. Bill Koch publicly called his twin brother David Koch and older brother Charles Koch "Organized Crime", and these Koch Organized Crime Racketeers are determined to overthrow America through stealth and deception. This blog tracks the Tea Party Crooks over time.
The Key Figures, Rupert Murdoch, David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch, came together in the Tobacco R.I.C.O. Conspiracy era. Murdoch was director of conspirator Philip Morris Tobacco Company, and director of conspirator Cato Institute. The Koch Brothers were/are founders and funders of numerous conspirator think tanks and institutes which performed as contractors to further the tobacco fraud conspiracies, including CATO, Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), Reason Foundation.
RJ Reynolds was convicted in 2006 of racketeering RICO violations. The RJ Reynolds company had joined a conspiracy in 1954 to defraud Americans to their deaths with misleading and false science confusing the issues of tobacco addiction and disease causation. The RJR part of the conspiracy was headed up by Gordon Gray of the slave-plantation, eugenics family Grays, heirs to the immensely rich RJR fortune. Numerous fake charities were created for tax-exempt status to create propaganda used to deceive the public -- in essence, the taxpayers paid the subsidy to create the lies that were killing them.
In 1957 Gordon Gray headed up thew Psy-War offices during the Korean War, using the techniques developed by military tax expenditures against America tobacco smokers.
Burton Gray, son of Gordon co-founded the Federalist Society to bestow fabulous vacation seminars on federal and state judges with absolutely no connection to tobacco liability matters that might appear before the courts. Burton joined the Board of David Koch's REASON FOUNDATION which received generous donations from the tobacco mafia and fought tobacco regulations.
C. Boyden Gray co-founded the Federalist Society too, and joined David Koch's CSE organization as chairman. CSE also received millions and millions of dollars from the tobacco mafia. In 2001, while Boyden Gray was Chairman, CSE test marketed the TAR HEELS TEA PARTY in August in North Carolina State Bldg. In 2002 Gray's CSE hosted the USTEAPARTY.US website with the slogan "Taxed Enough Already".