Jeb Bush Slams Obama As 'Utter And Complete Failure'
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
2 seconds ago ( 3:52 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The linked article above at the Washingtonian is a stinking pile of crap.
For the FIRST TIME IN HUMAN HISTORY any mainstream publication (Huffington Post) has admitted that CSE was promoting the USTEAPARTY.COM website as early as 2002, and that the TEA PARTY was not spontaneously generated in 2009.
Dick Armey and Matt Kibbe were sucking on cigarette money from the day they joined the Koch Industries-founded CSE, created in 1984.
The "Poison & Pollution" lobby operates under the Caesar-Senators Gambit. When 23 Senators stabbed Julius Caesar none of them individually could be blamed as THE assassin plunging in the fatal knife. They could each say "I had only a small part in that, and it was mostly others who did the deed -- I'm practically innocent".
Tobacco mafia was 30 years into a 50 year felony fraud RICO racketeering crime spree setting up endless front organizations by 1984 when the Koch CATO INSTITUTE and Koch CITIZENS FOR A SOUND ECONOMY became accomplices. The Koch Industries had it's own Poison and Pollution problems with govt, as did all Oily companies.
CSE didn't take money from tobacco incidentally to it's normal business -- it was set up and structured to perform tobacco company frauds as an AstroTurf fake grassroots operation.
Tobacco Company files became court evidence in two giant legal happenings of the 20th century. 30,000,000 documents, entire warehouses of documents, were subpoenaed and placed publicly online by court orders. CSE created the TEA PARTY using tobacco money on tobacco orders.
2 seconds ago ( 4:28 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
DICK ARMEY, 2001, CSE, TAR HEELS TEA PARTY, throwing tea bags around...,14388&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
The Robesonian - Aug 1, 2001,64796&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Tax Hike Plan Draws Protest .Tar Heels... Star-News,3184554&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Protesters Gather To Fight Tax Hike At... Mount Airy News
1 second ago ( 1:09 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
DICK ARMEY, 2001, CSE, TAR HEELS TEA PARTY, throwing tea bags around...,14388&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
The Robesonian - Aug 1, 2001,64796&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Tax Hike Plan Draws Protest .Tar Heels... Star-News,3184554&dq=citizens-for-a-sound-economy+tea-party&hl=en
Protesters Gather To Fight Tax Hike At... Mount Airy News
3 seconds ago ( 3:10 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Scalia dares argue against Homosexual Sodomy after hiking up his judicial robes at a Federalist Society Dinner and doing a public lap dance for the Koch Brothers as one dangles a $100,000 check to the Federalist Society in one hand and the other stuffs a $100,000 speaker's fees check in Scalia's panties on the other hand.
1 second ago ( 4:30 AM)
Next time Obama better send more than a TWEET!
That's the president's NUMBER ONE JOB.
Use tanks if you must, but stop these insurrections, by whatever force is required, which stripping American Citizens of the same rights of privacy in their wombs that you want in your phone bills!
American women's PRIVATE PARTS are not govt property and not govt business. Get your UNCONSTITUTIONAL JESUS AND JEHOVAH out of women's underpants.
Does Jeb Bush even KNOW his family history?
Great Grandpa Samuel Bush was a Merchant of Death, lackey of the Oily Rockefellers, who bought Rockefeller's Remington Arms for the Army in WWI while sitting as president of Rockefeller's Buckeye Steel Castings Company. Jeb's other great grandpa, Bert Walker (who put the "Walker" in the middle name of two presidents) was a business partner with German Industrialist Fritz Thyssen. Walker was on the Boar of the Hamburg-America Shipping line that directed the SS St. Louis to take the Jewish refugees of the Voyage of the Damned back to Europe. Grandpa Prescott used to get drunk and beat his son GHW Poppy Bush because he hated himself for running 26 of Thyssen's businesses from NYC. Prescott used to sell Thyssen's coal to Auschwitz through the company incorporated in NYC called Silesia-American Company which controlled the Silesian Steel and Coal Company in Poland.