Saturday, September 8, 2012

Bill Clinton Can Still Handle a Whopper
1 second ago ( 9:12 PM)
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The FAMILY RESEARCH COUCIL is a felony-fraud operation that conceals the 1-in-4 child molesting of girls done by haterosexuals, and ignores the Jerry Sanduky married men on boys haterosexualsely claim that gays are a greater threat to children than haterosexual men are. So WHY is Huffington Post giving this felony crime a platform and a megaphone to spread it's influence and weaken its opposition?

FRC are not citizens in good standing -- they are a certified HATE GROUP committing non-stop hate crimes of verbal assault, libel & slander, fighting words, and felony fraud to abridge citizens equal rights in violation of the Constitution.

Why is HUFFINGTON POST accomplice to a HATE GROUP?