Friday, June 17, 2011

Apologetic Tracy Morgan visits homeless gay and transgender youth

By the CNN Wire Staff
June 17, 2011 5:43 p.m. EDT

Liann Now, if only CNN would apologize for giving a valuable gift of free airtime to hate groups like TONY PERKINS FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL.. It costs how many dollars per minute for Charmin toilet paper to buy airtime on CNN, how about charging FRC for the airtime? Why should CNN give easily proven liars a platform to spread their hate? What next, Holocaust-deniers get equal time so to be fair and balanced? THIS ONE FACT IS TRUE -- 1 in 4 girls are molested by age 16 by HATER-osexuals. The real danger comes from men raping girl children, not men on boys, and FRC and CNN both know that is true. If attacking children is reason to ban marriage, ban HATEROSEXUAL marriages because they do 50% more child molesting

State-Level Assaults On Abortion Rights (PHOTOS)

0 minute ago (5:56 PM)
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Get Uncle Sam out of women's underpants­. Get republican­s out of peeping up women's dresses. Get the fascist big govt out of the private parts of citizens -- they are called PRIVATE PARTS for a reason.

Life does NOT START AT CONCEPTION -- it started over a billion years ago and keeps on rolling. 100,000,00­0 sperm die for every ejaculatio­n and not every sperm deserves a name. A parasitic lump of flesh is a FETUS, NOT A BABY -- there's a lot more where that came from.

If god sends a pregnancy to the wrong womb by mistake, it's only proper to send it back for re-assignm­ent. That's the smart thing to do -- the stupid thing to do is keep it.