Thursday, June 9, 2011

Republican KKK Candidate Is Running For Congress

The_Liann 0 minutes ago
You know, their heads are really shaped like that, which is why they wear those masks to hide their faces in shame that their parents are closely related.

Watching 'Teen Mom' Makes You More Likely to Support Abortion

The_Liann 0 minutes ago
"Correlation is not causation" = infamous conservative self-delusional slogan. People whom have seen teen moms (in person) and seen 16 and Pregnant (in person) are more pro-abortion rights than those who have their head up theirs.

It's MY TAX DOLLARS and I don't want a single penny to go to the military but every cent to go to free abortions. Too bad we don't live in a country where just because you believe something means that you don't have to pay a share of the real costs, eh?

At least we overthrew the old socialist Supreme Court where citizens shared the costs of supporting the judges -- now with this capitalist court, rich guys pay the majority of their income and get  the results that they paid for. When the Tea-Klux-Klan gets done, the court will be providing more low-wage unschooled workers for the rich guys and there won't be any pesky unions, pesky worker rights, or pesky rights of any kind.