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The protesters may be a bunch of bozos, quixotically tilting at windmills, blissfully unaware of the extent of their inexperience and ignorance, BUT, they have demonstrated one message louder than ANY WORDS!
America is over. The Constitution has been so disrespected that it is beyond repair. The meaningless "Freedom to Assemble to Petition the Govt for Redress of Grievences" is met with arrest and pepper spray whenever it might be sufficiently disruptive to the 1% that it could possibly cause some changes in what is inflicting the grievences.
Obama has declared that his Homeland Security treats this as if these protesters are terrorist agents, and co-ordinates 18-city-mayors phone conference on how to bust up the Petitionars asking their govt to do the job it exists to do.
The Obama FBI conspires with lawbreaking police instead of arresting them for violent disruptions of Constitutional Assemblies of peaceful but determined people.
YES, the OWS are inchoate near-morons who cannot articulate exactly how America democracy is being overthrown by the filthy rich, but they are not the ones overthrowing America.
The protesters may be a bunch of bozos, quixotical
America is over. The Constituti
Obama has declared that his Homeland Security treats this as if these protesters are terrorist agents, and co-ordinat
The Obama FBI conspires with lawbreakin
YES, the OWS are inchoate near-moron