John McCain's Benghazi Committee Plan Would Give Senator New Relevance
TeaTraitor Censorship protecting Hanoi John McCain is heavy on Huff-Po today. Al Qaida agents are not just based in the US Senate...
Susan Rice Libya Remarks Defended By Democrats Deploring Efforts To 'Pillory' UN Ambassador![]()
1 second ago ( 5:50 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Hanoi @JohnMcCain is doing what once Hanoi Jane Fonda did, giving massive publicity worldwide that benefits the other side.
Instead of attacking Al Qaeda, Hanoi John is MINISTER OF PROPAGANDA for Al Qaeda of Libya., attacking the Commander-in-chief and the US Ambassador to the UN.
1 second ago Ms LiannTokyo Rose attempting to demoralize America by making up phoney claim that every American needs to know and ought to know all details of foreign embassies, CIA bases, consulates and the like, what our response capabilities are in a particular war zone, what our response time is, how long to make a getaway.
The Ambassador was gay, hated for his gayness by HANOI JOHN MCCAIN. Hated for his gayness by Fox Newz, who wanted his equal rights denied while he lived. You can't say you love him now when you wanted him dead on 9/10.
You are an AL QAEDA sympathizer trying to get published top secret information useful for more strikes. Your TRAITOR Darrell Issa aready gave Al Qaeda the names of Libyans who worked with the US. You are a TRAITOR guilty of TREASON, the only crime in the Constitution that carries a death penalty.
Hanoi John McCain is Al Qaida's PROPAGANDA MINISTER in the US Senate.
Tokyo Rose was sentenced for 8 counts of TREASON for demoralizing propaganda in wartime just like THIS.