Bobby Jindal: 'I Absolutely Reject' Mitt Romney's 'Gifts' Explanation For Obama Victory
1 second ago (11:45 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The big sack of offal, Mitt RobMe, lied with every breath he takes, stirring up hatred for the blackguy who beat him.
Women don't get FREE CONTRACEPTIVES. They get healthcare policies from PRIVATE FREE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE. The Healthcare polices are PAID FOR by private activity, by the parents until age 26 or by the policy holder herself. Employer contributions are WAGES earned by the sweat off the employees brow.
The EMPLOYEE OWNS THE POLICY, Private Property, a free-enterprise transaction, no govt involved in the deal. It is NOT FREE, it is earned and paid by the sweat off worker's brows.
Insurance companies are no longer able to refuse covering this basic necessity which REDUCES ABORTION by reducing unwanted pregnancy or untimely pregnancy.
Insurance companies are no longer able to dump the cost of pregnancy and pre-natal care and birth hospitalization and childhood care for decades onto the pool of insured without offering the much lower-cost option of deferred or non-pregnancy through the birth control option.
Finally, society recognizes that both MEN and WOMEN need birth control. but only women pay at the pharmacy. By providing the requirement that birth control be in the minimum package of insurance benefits, DEADBEAT MEN get to share the cost equally with women.
The govt does not give this birth control as "gifts". It's smart business that stupid RobMe cannot understand.
2 seconds ago (11:59 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The big sack of offal, Mitt RobMe, lied with every breath he takes, stirring up hatred for the blackguy who beat him.
The PUBLICAN & MONEY CHANGERS PARTY went all racist against the black guy so he couldn't do a good job. THEY OPPOSED THEIR OWN IDEAS.
The DREAM ACT was filled with PUBLICAN ideas. PUBLICAN have immigrants working in their factories, picking crops on their farms. Reagan had the guest worker program, and George WRECKER Bush had similar ideas because PUBLICANS NEED CHEAP IMMIGRANT LABOR TO BE RICH.
Obama halted the worst of the racist NATIVIST KKK Neo-Nazi Machine-gun-toting-Militiamen, by executive action on behalf of the young. That wasn't a "gift" -- that was recognition that America was founded first by Spanish immigrants in St Augustine in 1565, the OLDEST CONTINUOUSLY INHABITED settlement in America mainland.
America's immigrant policy allowed the ex-patriates in the Mormon RobMe clan who renounced America twice to return here and integrate back into the country they spit upon to keep their polygamous marriages going in Mexico.
Now RobMe thinks other people who did what his family did are bad people.
The big sack of offal, Mitt RobMe, lied with every breath he takes.
Forgiveness of interest on college loans says that student don't owe interest until AFTER their schooling is finished. The govt guarantees the student loans, the students pay the taxes for a lifetime, it's their money. That's no "gift". That's smart business for America, creating a population that gets college degrees, earns $2,000,000 extra income in a lifetime which they pay extra taxes on that income that the govt would never see if they were mowing RobMe's lawn a minimum wage paying lower taxes.