White House To Boehner: Obamacare Not Part Of Fiscal Cliff Deal
1 second ago ( 9:37 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
There is no Cliff.
On January 1, 2013, the sunset of the Bush Tax Cuts happens automatically, just like the republicans voted into law on the day that they passed the tax cuts.
A CALENDAR is NOT A CLIFF. It's law occurring like it was designed to do. No CLIFF.
No DRAMA, No Hysteria, No crisis. The CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES return as they were always supposed to, and PROSERITY RETURNS TOO.
We saw the WRECKAGE that low taxes brings. WRECKER BUSH did the experiment. We have 28,000,000 unemployed. People lost 40% of their home values. People who once could afford homes are now renters instead.
Under the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES, 22,000,000 NEW JOBS were created, People bought homes. Homes went UP IN VALUE.
The republicans did the experiment so EVERYBODY COULD SEE THE TRUTH -- TAX CUTS KILL THE ECONOMY!
1 second ago (10:03 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
I don't see any reason to give GIFTS to RED STATE COTTON FARMERS. Not one penny of the cotton subsidy goes to BLUE STATES. It's GIFTS to BUY VOTES in RED STATES.
GONE. Buy your cotton from India at world market prices for half the cost. Get rid of the RE STATE deadbeats.
Why are BLUE STATES subsidizing FEDERAL water projects for Arizona Deserts who VOTES RED? If RED STATE ARIZONA wants water, go to the supermarket and buy all you want, Perrier, Avion, any brand that you please. Just get your grubby thieving RED MITTS out of my pocket to pay for it.
GONE. Grow your subsidized cotton with FREE MARKET WATER.
1 second ago (10:55 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES return January 1, 2013.
Nobody has to do anything, and that will happen in 5 weeks. Hopefully, nobody will stop it.
Under Clinton people lived well after paying the Clinton Taxes. They could afford to buy homes. Homes actually WENT UP IN PRICE. People bought cars, the auto-makers were booming. 28,000,000 NEW JOBS were created.
Then WRECKER BUSH came in with his WRECKING TAX CUTS. Home dropped 40% in value. Millions of people were driven out of their homes by the Banksters. The Banks collapsed. The Auto-makers were in Washington begging for help. 28,000,000 went out of work, out of jobs.
We saw both ways on display for everybody in America to see with their own eyes.
WRECKER BUSH TAX CUTS destroyed a lot of the good things of America.
On January 1, 2013 the good times return.
People would rather live well after paying taxes than get an unemployment check which the GOP keeps cutting unemployment checks.
Boner has to say stuff. There's no telling how much he means anything yet. The rubber meets the road in five weeks. Two days before New years the unemployment compensation relief needs to be renewed. If that is held hostage it means something real and calculable.
On January on the CLINTON PROSPERITY TAX RATES are scheduled to return. These tax rates created 22,000,000 new jobs under Bill Clinton and the deficit was shrinking and the budget was balanced five years in a row. After WRECKER BUSH suspended the prosperity with the ECONOMY-WRECKING TAX CUTS and drove business away and dumped millions into the unemployed rolls there's 28,000,000 looking for work.
Obama helped 5,000,000 get or keep their jobs while the PUBLICANS & MONEY-CHANGERS PARTY tried to oppose everything every time.
When the CLINTON TAX RATES return there will be govt money for unemployment and jobs programs and rebuilding infrastructure after hurricane Sandy.
Once we get at or past the FIRST of JANUARY 2013, then Boner's words can be judged as silly or serious.