Sandra Fluke’s 15 minutes keeps on going among Democrats
By Ann Gerhart,
Jesus called righties "sons of Satan" because he called all liars "sons of Satan", John 8:44. On the other hand, Jesus never condemned abortion, gay marriage or birth control.
It is a LIE that Sandra Fluke wants FREE GOVT BIRTH CONTROL. The insurance is PRIVATE ENTERPRISE and it is PAID FOR by the OWNER OF THE POLICY. The govt never owns the policy. The employer never owns the policy. The church never owns the policy. It is 100% private property of the named policy-holder.
It s a LIE that providing birth control raises the cost. Babies born in hospitals cost a lot more than birth control -- cost all policy-holders who share the costs of the FREE MARKET healthcare plans.
It is a LIE that WOMEN need birth control more than men -- it takes both to make a pregnancy but the deadbeat dads skip out at the pharmacy when it's time to pay the monthly birth control bill. A requirement that healthcare plans capture the deadbeat dads and make them pay their fair share is in everybody's interest. It is NOT THE GOVT paying for birth control, it is the deadbeat dads and the women they would impregnate and run from who pay all the costs. The govt and taxpayers do not pay one dime except for the very poor who can't afford healthcare at all -- and it costs a lot more to have one tot mom like Casey Anthony getting pregnant from a date-rape drug than it costs to buy birth control for 10,000 poor women (it cost $2,000,000 trial costs).
Jesus called righties "Sons of Satan" because they always choose whatever spreads the most human misery. If buying birth control pills caused more misery there would be free dispensers on every corner. Righties believe a one-celled fertilized egg is a person only for 9 months when it's rights end. Then cut pre-school, cut school lunches, cut daycare, cut teachers, cut welfare, cut college loans, cut Pell grants, cut medicaid, cut medicare, cut social security.
Jesus called righties "sons of Satan" because they maximize evil and minimize caring and love.
The FAMILY RESEARCH COUCIL is a felony-fraud operation that conceals the 1-in-4 child molesting of girls done by haterosexuals, and ignores the Jerry Sanduky married men on boys haterosexualsely claim that gays are a greater threat to children than haterosexual men are. So WHY is Huffington Post giving this felony crime a platform and a megaphone to spread it's influence and weaken its opposition?
FRC are not citizens in good standing -- they are a certified HATE GROUP committing non-stop hate crimes of verbal assault, libel & slander, fighting words, and felony fraud to abridge citizens equal rights in violation of the Constitution.
Why is HUFFINGTON POST accomplice to a HATE GROUP?