David Keene, NRA President, Argues Against Gun Control (VIDEO)
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on HuffingtonPost.com as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
1 second ago Ms Liann
Call it whatever you like. You can't shame a sociopath who has no conscience, but you can make them very unpopular which makes functioning like a sociopath preying on society a lot more difficult.
The DC Snipers used the BUSHMASTER M4 AR-15 same as Adam Lanza. When the cops arrested the snipers and got the gun they traced it back to a gun store in Tacoma, Washington. It could not be proven that a backdoor sale without a background check never happened, as the store says the snipers "stole" the gun that they never reported stolen. However, they paid $2,000,000 in a lawsuit as accomplices or enablers for not keeping better control of their gun. BUSHMASTER paid another half million dollars as co-defendant.
This NOT EXAGGERATION -- it's history.
This is NOT OVER-REACTING -- it's smart action.
You have identified yourself as somebody who cares about guns more than the slaughtered kids. There is no cure for sociopathy so further discussion with you is pointless from the perspective of changing your mind. However, keep talking -- it's informative that others get to see how a sociopath thinks so they know how to recognize it.
1 second ago ( 5:52 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The PRESIDENT of the NRA: David A. Keene
Keene's son, David Michael Keene, is currently serving a 10-year prison sentence for a road rage incident in Virginia in 2002 in which he fired a gun at another motorist.
(Somebody should update wikipedia, it's been 10 years since 2002)
New NRA Prez David Keene's Son Is a Convicted Road-Rage Shooter
Court records from the Eastern District of Virginia reveal that David Michael Keene was arrested on Dec. 5, 2002, and ultimately pleaded guilty in a plea bargain. There was a “change of plea hearing” the following April, at which he withdrew a not guilty plea and pleaded guilty a single count in an indictment.
The government moved to dismiss other counts and at a sentencing hearing in July of that year, Judge Leonie M. Brinkeman ordered him to 10 years in prison with five years of supervised released afterward. His sentence includes orders to remain drug-free, participation in mental health counseling, anger management and a ban on possession of firearms, and his release date is scheduled for February 2012.
2 seconds ago ( 4:13 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Republicans keep cutting schools, keep cutting police, keep trying to shrink govt small enough to drag it to the bathtub to drown it.
When George W. Bush swept in republicans controlled all three branches of govt completely. They got stuff done.
When Barack Obama swept in the democrats had control )barely) of all three branches of govt (and despite many republican sabotage filibusters) they got stuff done.
If you want to get stuff done you need one-party rule because republicans won't work with democrats.
We need to take clear majorities next election and we need to work every single day to get there.
The Tea Party is the Koch Wing of the Republican Party. If Koch wants to rule America let him run for office like Obama did. The last time Koch ran for Vice President he couldn't get 1% of the crazy fringe to vote for him.
The NRA is the armorers of the Republican Party. The NRA-GOP is one unity, no daylight between them.
The Catholic Bishops and Mormon Bishops are the (wolves in sheep's clothing) clergy of the Republican Party. Opposing healthcare because Obama is black, not birth control which was in their insurance plans for employees for decades.
This gang throws 46,000 people off the roofs of hospitals annually, so to speak, deaths through denial of access to medical technology easily made available in most civilized countries.
Republicans are NOT NICE PEOPLE. Nancy Lanza will turn out to be registered republican survivalist gun hoarders.
1 second ago ( 4:44 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Lies with statistics. The gun deaths is what we are talking about, although guns are also used in rapes and assaults but if the victim didn't die are not part of the numbers.
It's a sleazy way to hide the fact that gun deaths are astronomical because rapes and assaults are down, and lumping in unrelated crimes can phoney up the statistics to make guns look better
32,000 Americans will die needless deaths. Our accomplice above things that's fine.
18,000 deaths will happen because easy access to plentiful guns will lead to suicides. When the DC Snipers were convicted of serial killing 10 people, police traced the weapon to the gun store where they stole it. The gun store and Bushmaster paid $2.5 million lawsuit settlement as accessory for providing the weapon through negligence. The NRA can be charged as accomplice and negligent homicide for 18,000 suicides that were largely preventable if the finality and easiness of death by guns was less available.
Lies is one symptom of ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER -- a mental illness that can bar a person from guns for life. Reckless disregard of the rights and safety of others is a second symptom. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another, saying the pile of dead ain't so large.
2 seconds ago ( 5:20 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
That got me started, thanks: http://www.meetthenra.org/nra-member/David%20A.%20Keene
Keene’s son, David Michael Keene, was charged with attempted first degree murder and sentenced to 10 years in prison for firing a gun at another vehicle during a 2002 road rage incident. At the time of the incident, Keene was working with his father at ACU as an online communications director. Between the ages of 8 and 13, David Michael Keene was institutionalized seven times for “severe emotional problems,” including “a continuing problem with impulse control.”
2 seconds ago ( 9:17 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Wordy. If Hart had 250 word limit of the rest of us he would be more direct.
The Constitution puts the RIGHT TO LIFE first ahead of all rights and the one most necessary to have any other rights. One death penalty is placed in the Constitution and it is applied to those committing treason taking up arms against the govt. No reading of any other part of the constitution can be understood as arming the people to commit treason. Conspiritists whom believe in taking up arms against the govt are the actual enemy the constitution was designed to protect us from, and it is evidence of mental instability too severe to even be allowed to possess arms.
Our theory of govt was formed by THOMAS PAINE'S COMMON SENSE in 1775. There were 3 million Americans and 3 million copies reproduced of the pamphlet. Literally every American was on the same page. Govt is needed to protect life from enemies foreign and in our midst.
Govt has a duty to disarm the dangerous. That is it's first and foremost duty. Taking away the guns from bad and crazy people is what we created govt to do. The only way we could even have a civil society is if we pooled resources together into a force we could protect ourselves with against those who would kill us. Forefathers disarmed people on the same day that they wrote the Constitution, how can we be persuaded that we can't do that today?
1 second ago (10:06 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Like the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms, the 1st Amendment is not absolute either.
Silly home-schooled people have crazy ideas about all powerful absolute rights.
The right to commit fraud, using free speech to tell lies for gain, disappeared in 1203 English Common Law imported into the English colonies and adopted by the states. There has never been one minute of free speech to commit fraud in America.
There is no 1st Amendment right to free speech to yell fire in a crowded theater, just like there is no 2nd Amendment right to bear arms of a Bushmaster AR-15 in a crowded theater either.
These are not absolute rights. They are rights of citizens in good standing well behaved and curtailed by a balance of multiple rights existing in every situation.
The RIGHT TO LIFE is the first right mentioned in the constitution above all other rights in importance. Only living people have any rights at all, so the right to life is a necessary right to enjoy or use any other right.
All citizens are compelled to observe the rights of all others and forgo some portion of their rights for the functioning of society. Your rights to swing your fists stops at my nose. Your failure of recognition of my nose rights gets you punished for application of your swinging rights.
2 seconds ago ( 8:44 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
One of the most important acts everybody can be doing is to constantly speak out, and support others speaking out, erroneous US history feeding NRA propaganda.
There is only one crime given the death penalty in the US Constitution: that is treason taking up arms against the govt. It cannot rationally be argued that the 2nd Amendment advocates in any way taking up arms against the govt. The rationale that high powered WAR WEAPONS are necessary as "2nd Amendment Remedies" against tyranny is circulated around a fringe of political conspirators.
The Constitution is NOT a suicide pact. Nothing in it requires the public to leave itself vulnerable to anti-social elements wielding immense firepower. No reading of the Constitution can be tolerated that disarms the many of the power to remove dangerous weapons from public menaces. Guns can be banned and their parts can be banned under our existing constitution.
Guns are routinely confiscated at boarding gates to commercial aircraft. No damage is done to our constitution.
Guns are removed from persons arrested for crimes. No damage is done to our constitutional rights. Our forefathers disarmed arrested people, disarmed people undergoing trial, disarmed people convicted in jail or prison. Nobody believes that there is any constitutional right to bear arms as an incarcerated prisoner. The idea that there is an absolute and inviolate 2nd Amendment rights if false, dangerous and tedious waste of time to progress in disarming dangerous enemies in our midst.
1 second ago ( 7:01 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
While the Shooters Propaganda gang is 3 miles from Sandy Hook School by road that zigs and zags, as the stray bullet flies it's a little over one mile.
GOOGLE MAP with driving directions from Sandy Hook School to the National Shooting Sports Foundation headquarters.
The_Liann •
Herman Cain reinforced racial stereotypes by groping women job applicants while cheating on his mistress. It does not help a lot that Herman Cain was on the board of OREOS, literally on the Board of Directors of RJ Reynolds Nabisco Holdings Company selling Kools through the Natl Restaurant Assn lobbying in 50 states against indoor smoking laws. This BAD BUSINESSMAN got sued for wrecking the AQUILA corporation in Enron-like monkey business. Cain took the THIRD PLACE Godfather's Pizza, and as corporate hatchetman (another racial sterotype he volunteered for) went in and hacked off 200 pizza stores and fired 2000 workers, bringing Godfathers down to FIFTH PLACE. His burnishing the temporarily profitable pizza chain got him a seat on the Federal Reserve as surrogate for his Citibank sponsors, and a bunch of other board jobs providing multiple income streams. As Director on the Borg of Maytag-Whirlpool, Cain destroyed an Iowa appliance factory, firing 5000 more workers and shipped the factory to MEXICO, while taking $24,000,000 of Federal Jobs Stimulus Money that the Tea Party hated. The Job-Killing, Factory-Exporting, Jobs Stimulus Money Grubbing Cain claimed that the Jobs Stimulus never created one job, while also taking another $2,000,000 Jobs Stimulus Money for AGCO Corp, where Cain was on the Borg with bossman Rich Koch.
There is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS FOR HOMICIDE, and Herman Cain served on an RJ Reynolds Tobacco Board of Directors at the very time that RJR was committing RICO Fraud felony crimes at the directions of the bosses circle of directors. 1,200 Americans were killed each day by addictive deadly tobacco products that Cain had certain knowledge would kill one out of three customers.
2 seconds ago ( 2:06 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
You misunderstand. It's not about taxes -- they have an army of tax lawyers to dodge taxes.
It's about emasculating the Federal Govt so that they "Starve the Beast" as Reagan called it. Grover Norquist is more blunt: "Make the govt so small that it can be dragged into the bathtub and drowned.
Koch brother paid fines $20,000,000, $30,000,000, $5 million,... totalling $288,000,000.00, more than a quarter BILLION DOLLARS, and this isn't counting the $293,000,000 the jury awarded the heirs of Danielle Dawn Smalley for her negligent murder by exploding Koch pipeline.
If the govt is starved of tax income, and the treasury is emptied by unpaid wars and bailouts and stuff, then the federal cops are fired and there is no more cops on the beat to make the Koch's pay fines when they kill Americans with pollution and cancer.
Their partners also have big pots of gold to gain by overthrow of the govt. The Koch's have worked with tobacco for over 35 years. They work with every toxic polluter and poisoner in the country.
It is not about taxes. Only little people pay taxes, said Lorena Helmsley. It's about overthrow of America by a corporatist hostile takeover.
1 second ago ( 3:43 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Let me help you get it straight. Ronald Reagan spilled the beans when he said out loud publicly "Starve the Beast". He meant lower income (taxes) and spend all the wealth so that the govt dies of starvation. Grover Norquist said it out loud: he wants to shrink the govt so it's small enough to drown in the bathtub. Rightwing theology is Kill America As We Know It
The goal of the 1% who owns FREEDOM GROUP that makes all the guns and ammo, is to get all the cops off the federal beat so the poison & pollution lobby can loot America unhindered by organized unarmed resistance. The Koch Industries Brothers paid more than $288,000,000.00 in EPA and Justice Department fines and remediation judgements, so it's worth a quarter billion dollars in their pockets if there are no federal cops stopping them from poisoning America. That's not even counting the $293,000,000.00 jury award that Danielle Dawn Smalley heirs for negligent homicide over the Koch gas pipeline explosion -- two thirds of a BILLION DOLLARS just two brothers of the 1% the America Wreckers won't have to pay when they overthrow democracy in America.
1 second ago ( 3:07 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The term "mental illness" is sometimes interchangeably used with the word "evil", because certain types of not-normal mental processing is evil and diagnosed as a form of "insanity".
Particularly, there are definitions for each variety of "abnormal psychology" and a standard reference book (DSM-IV) which collects the definitions for standardized use across society.
The worst of the worst of the criminally "insane" is the "sociopath", so-called, or also called "psychopath", like the villains in "Silence of the Lambs" movies. The modern terminology is "ANTI-SOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER".
It is possible for one person to have more than one problem at the same time, and sometimes that could cause misunderstanding one diagnosis for another.
In the case of Adam Lanza, he had two distinct other conditions: (1) a form of Autism, not known to induce violence, and (2) a peculiar insensitivity to feeling or pain, which may be part of sociopathy, or not, as sociopaths lack emotional empathy feelings for others being harmed by themselves.
More than the necessary three minimum symptoms of sociopathy can be found in Adam Lanza's final week. Whatever else was going on, sociopathy was part of it, probably the dominating central part of it.
Learning a bit about "sociopathy" is useful in any understanding of what happened and how to avoid similar from happening next time.
1 second ago ( 2:49 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The article is hyper shallow. Guns are central to the discussion. Mental Illness is so poorly understood that the mother could not see she was raising a mass murderer, and Adam Lanza's mother, Nancy Lanza, was too mentally ill herself to be allowed to buy the guns that she had.
While it is difficult to do a diagnosis from a distance, on people that one has never met, early into an investigation far from complete with a majority of details still not revealed, there are some CERTAIN FACTS CLEARLY KNOWN.
Adam Lanza pre-planned his mass murder spree, attempting to buy his own weapons earlier that week. He stole his mother's property after slaughtering her in bed. He taped three 30-round magazines filled with bullets to his Bushmaster war weapon.
Nancy Lanza provided to Adam Lanza the training to use the weapons and kept at least four fully loaded clips of ammo for her War Weapon Bushmaster M4 Ar-15 in the house.
Without a lot more information RED FLAG ALARM BELLS are going off on this whole wacky gun-nut family. But there is a lot more information already known, and more coming in.
2 seconds ago ( 2:05 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include a longstanding pattern (after the age of 15) of disregard for the rights of others. There is a failure to conform to society's norms and expectations that often results in numerous arrests or legal involvement as well as a history of deceitfulness where the individual attempts to con people or use trickery for personal profit. Impulsiveness if often present, including angry outbursts, failure to consider consequences of behaviors, irritability, and/or physical assaults.
America has a norm that you don't kill a lot of people. There are many ANTI-SOCIAL people taking the side of easy access to guns of mass murder. The SYMPTOMS listed above (with a little flexibility in wording) can apply to a lot of commentators who are arguing for easy access to maximum firepower for anti-social villains. We see the "irritability" and "angry outbursts" in posts, "deceptive" statistics and rationales used, "failure to consider the consequences". The right to life is fundamental to all other rights -- deceased people have no rights at all, yet we see "disregard for the rights of others" including disregard of the right of children not to be murdered in first grade..
It only takes three symptoms off the list to make a diagnosis, and we see commentators displaying three to five symptoms in a single comment post.
2 seconds ago ( 2:34 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Maybe they were stopped by the presence of The National Shooting Sports Foundation, about 1 mile away, as the stray bullet flies, from the Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Here's a link with driving directions of google maps from the school to the shooting lobby group...
Nancy Lanza had psychological problems herself which should have raised alarm bells to people who knew her. The fact that she owned FOUR magazines of 30-rounds capacity for her AR-15 weapon of war is the loudest alarm bell ringing in our ears. Adam Lanza taped the three spares to the weapon when he went human hunting with the weapon his mother taught him to shoot.
1 second ago ( 4:21 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
VERY BAD ADVICE: Quote: "Those who carry out mass shootings are typically not "psychopaths" or "sociopaths." Instead, they are usually individuals who are desperate or despondent -- whether because they have experienced multiple losses, or unbearable situations, or have some underlying mental health conditions -- and they reach a point where they feel that violence is the best way -- or perhaps the only way -- to solve their problems."
The common term "sociopath" is better known than it's medical diagnostic term "Anti-Social Personality Disorder". A massacre is profoundly ANTI-SOCIAL.
Sociopathy is amazingly common. Modern psychiatry predicts 4% of the population is a ticking Ted Bundy or Adam Lanza, which on average with two adults per household, there is one sociopath living in one of the 12 houses nearest you, or in yours.
With so many non-exploding sociopaths, that means that most or many are keeping a tight lid on it, which fly loose under appropriate trigger conditions. The triggers of "desperate", "despondent", "loss" or "unbearable conditions" is just another way of saying sociopaths let themselves loose.
Adam Lanza was the world's biggest spoiled brat, whose mother failed to socialize him. He reconnoitered the school and attempted to buy his own gun for the massacre, showing planning. He taped three 30-bullet-clips to his military-style gun for rapid reload. The evidence of sociopathy is visible when the investigation has barely begun.
1 second ago ( 1:51 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Well it sure didn't take the BIPARTISAN SURRENDER MONKEY long to shove his shiv in the backs of seniors. It seems just like 6 weeks ago the surrender monkeys were talking about taking Social Security off the table for any deal.
1 second ago ( 4:59 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The lower Southwest corner of Connecticut has the nations heaviest gun karma of any place in America. All of Al Capone's Tommy guns used in the St Valentines Massacre were made a few miles from Newtown, CT, at Colt Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company in Hartford. The AR-15 is a trademark of Colt Arms, the style of gun used in the shooting of the school tots, located 49 minutes drive away in Hartford. Also, for 140 years Winchester Repeating Arms company was located until recently in Hartford. U. S. Fire Arms Mfg. Co. is the only gun company still manufacturing in the City of Hartford, CT
Lanza did not use a Ruger pistol, but the semi-automic handgun with models that include 16 shot (15+1) loads compare to the Glock and Sig Sauer that he carried. Sturm Ruger is located 26 miles south in Southport, Ct. A little closer, still south of Newtown for 140 years was the REMINGTON ARMS-UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO. In “Gun Valley” is Charter Arms at 16 miles southeast of Newtown. There are no direct routes to North Haven, so it is a roundabout drive of 39 miles to get due east to the Marlin Firearms Co, to get a rifleman-style lever action rifle. While in North Haven you can visit the O F Mossberg & Sons Inc for a nice shotgun. 27 miles north of Newtown is Warren, ct, home of Wildey Guns, the Charles Bronson "Death Wish" longbarrel style of handgun.
1 second ago ( 3:39 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Every politician has a duty to correct the false idea that the 2nd Amendment is ABSOLUTE.
(1) We take guns away from people getting arrested.
(2) We keep guns away from people in jails and prisons.
(3) We take guns away from people who have been convicted of a felony, FOR LIFE.
(4) We take guns away from people attempting to enter courts, airplanes, public buildings of many types.
(5) We keep guns away from people whom a judge has declared mentally unstable.
(6) We keep guns away from inmates in mental hospitals.
(7) We keep certain types of guns out of the hands of all civilians.
The idea that govt can't take away your guns and keep guns out of your hands for life is plain false propaganda sold to gullible fools used as pawns in the gun profiting business complex.
There is NO EXCUSE for people posting comments about their second amendment rights cannot be touched by govt -- the founding fathers took peoples guns away when they arrested them, when they tried them and when they put them in prison after conviction.
There is no extra-special holy rights of gun ownership.
Most importantly, nothing in the Constitution constitutes a suicide pact. If anybody reads the constitution to mean that people have to roll over and take whatever a gunman wants to do to them, they need their heads examines.
1 second ago ( 8:03 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
(1) The Constitution is not a suicide pact. Reasonable restraints can be placed on killers among us.
(2) There is no ABSOLUTE 2nd Amendment right to bear arms -- prison inmates, for example, are not allowed to bear arms, mental hospital patients are not allowed to bear arms, regular people are not allowed to bear arms in courts of law, children are not allowed to bear arms in schools. There is NO ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS and the govt routinely restricts arms without supreme court objections.
(3) Gun control is more an issue of "Sociopath Control" as sociopaths commit 98% of the gun crimes. However restricting sociopaths from getting hands on guns looks a lot like gun control: background checks, waiting periods, no felony convictions, no mental impairment judgement rulings. Sociopath control can remove sociopaths from gun lobby organization leadership positions, can identify homicidal-aiding law-makers for removal from office.
2 seconds ago ( 2:22 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
76% not sociopaths is not great. It used to be, not long ago, that 96% were not sociopaths.
1 second ago ( 2:07 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Sociopaths = those who kill without remorse, often begin their lifelong psychosis by torturing small animals, working their way up to human beings.
Torture is a training program to breed sociopaths. Media, like this movie and Fox's "24" TV series is a training program to mass breed sociopaths.
Conscience, guilt, remorse: once these feelings are dead they cannot be revived. There is not true "epiphany, Jesus saved a wretch like me". Once a sociopath, forever a sociopath.
One should choose their goals with greater care than let Rupert Murdoch or Bigalow make up your mind for you.
1 second ago ( 2:11 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
We will have to bring back the draft. It's going to get hard to get volunteers to join the all-volunteer army when internet videos showing a prisoner being skinned alive start making the rounds. The 1% who commands the armies, and profits from war, is not going to take the field.
0 second ago ( 2:12 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
It works at making people without consciences, without guilt, without remorse, who might even begin to like it and do it in their neighborhoods after they retire from govt.
1 second ago ( 2:15 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
The issue is not over the EFFECTIVENESS.
The issue is the monsters it creates who perform it, and giving govt that kind of power to do that to YOURSELF whensoever it decided that is the effective choice.
Some people have no real sense of self-defense and would give their enemies the tools to destroy themselves. People who hate big govt, hate out of control govt, hate inhuman govt, would legalize torture in the hands of that same govt.
0 second ago ( 2:20 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Torture is the reason that WRECKER BUSH, CHENEY, and RUMSFELD cannot travel outside the US except to Israel and Bahrain, because they would be arrested and extracted to the world court in any other country on Earth.
1 second ago ( 6:31 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
TeaParty Ventriloquist's Dummy, ignores that the NRA is a NON-PROFIT political lobbying operation, Karl Rove's Crossroads is a NON-PROFIT political operation, Freedomworks-CSE is a NON-PROFIT political operation, Koch-Americans for Koch Prosperity is a NON-PROFIT political operation.
Just because she has Irritable-Bowel-Syndrome that makes her an angry old woman does not make her lies into facts. Not only did she suck up many HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS from a charity donated for cures not loud-mouths, but her vendetta against Planned Parenthood with her book and ongoing attacks shows that she has continually operated as a political operative of the Republican Party while being a NON-PROFIT herself.
1 second ago ( 8:10 AM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Herman Cain took a 3rd place pizza chain to 5th place by closing 200 restaurants and firing over 2000 workers, while cheating on his mistress groping job applicants and taking tobacco company money lobbying for pro-smoking legislation in all 50 states. Proving his loyalty to the Wall Street Sopranos, this capo was installed on the boards of numerous corporations, where he took $26,000,000 of jobs stimulus money while complaining that the stimulus never created a single job. Cain on the Maytag-Whirlpool board closed down 5,000 jobs in Iowa and exported the factory to Mexico, then had the nerve to campaign in Iowa saying he was about creating jobs. Why is this tobacco company director of RJ Reynolds-Nabisco Holdings company who was present during the RICO fraud era given space on Huffington Post?
Republicans want to shrink America so that they can drown it in the bathtub. What that means is "starve the beast" by cutting off dollars so all federal cops have to be laid off -- that makes it easier for the 1% to loot America without fear of arrests.
CUT SPENDING also means cut govt services so that govt is less popular and people won't mind when the crooks drown it in the bathtub (until it is their turn to be looted because there are no more govt cops).
LOOK, the Koch Industries brothers hardly paid attention to funding campaigns until a Clinton Federal Attorney brought charges for their Corpus Christi refinery losing tons and tons of cancer causing benzine into the local environment -- they faced life in prison if convicted on all charges.
They hurried up and donated nearly $1 MILLION to the George WRECKER BUSH campaign in 2000. This was followed by incoming Attorney General Ashcroft dropping most charges and letting the brothers off. The FEDERAL COPS WERE BOUGHT OFF.
The Koch's have paid out (including the $20 MILLION they paid out for Corpus Christi pollution) over $288,000,000, over a QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS, in fines and penalties and settlements for polluting all over America.
Taking the FEDERAL COPS OFF THE BEAT is worth more than a quarter billion dollars to them. They are not the only 1% polluters who want the federal cops laid off and cut their agency spending. The EPA and OSHA are always the biggest targets of 1%ers wanting to shrink govt small enough to drown in the bathtub.
1 second ago ( 3:18 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Why aren't the Koch Brothers in prison for manslaughter working for three decades with the tobacco companies to push a KNOWN ADDICTIVE DRUG which is KNOWN to kill one out every three persons who use it regularly?
CATO INSTITUTE was used as a base of operations for TASSC operatives paid by the tobacco companies including PHILIP MORRIS TOBACCO COMPANY which Foxy Rupert Murdoch was directing PM as he was also directing CATO. Corporations are people, my friend, completely unable to commit crimes or break laws UNLESS DIRECTED TO DO SO BY THE BORG OF DIRECTORS. If PM is guilty-as-charged of felony fraud, the DIRECTORS told them to do those things.
fearthebetenoire Commented 7 minutes ago in Politics
“When has she been "ramrodding" the pipeline? She isn't even nominated yet, Ms. Liann, and she will certainly divest if she is. As for Arab ownership and control of oil and supply facilities, the whole oil industry is intertwined and it is hard to single one entity in terms of ownership or control. I agree that the pipeline isn't a good idea, and its potential environmental problems are serious indeed, but let's not blow Ms. Rice out of the water for a passive investment in TransCanada. That's too stringent a standard.”
1 second ago (10:34 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Oh No You DON'T!
Murder-suicide is considered an anti-social act of great magnitude. Planet Death pushes it up notch.
Science exists and the world's climate scientists have concluded that removing carbon fuels from our energy mix is imperative to planet life.
People investing in ARAB dirty oil projects despoiling American environment are not suitable for any public office whatsoever. She can't even hide behind the flag pretending patriotism -- this oil is not being refined in the midwest but is going to ARAB-controlled export port of New Orleans where Chinese aircraft carriers will soon be patrolling protecting THEIR SUPPLY LINES.
Having the insider information from Arab sources as well as presidential cabinet information sources means that we are not dealing with "APPEARANCE of corruption" -- this is the DEFINITION OF CORRUPTION.
She's toast.
1 second ago ( 4:56 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
Even with these rains and snows, the midwest is blowing away. See the DROUGHT MONITOR MAP.
The RED STATES stay RED because of the GIFTS TO THE BASE: federal water projects greening Arizona golf course in mid desert, cotton subsidies that go 100% to red states, Farm Crop Insurance subsidized by Blue State city workers, Farm Aid.
The SEQUESTER CLIFF changes all that come January 1. Red States will swing Blue when the RED BASE IS NO LONGER BRIBED using money stolen from Blue States.
Don't need to do a thing but go on vacation until January 3rd.
Sure going to enjoy multi-million dollar pentagon pensions fall off the cliff on January 1.
Can't wait to see 900,000 RED COUNTY BASE VOTERS get unemployed from military contractors two days AFTER Bonewhore cuts the unemployment checks again on December 29th.
1 second ago ( 3:19 PM)This comment is pending approval and won't be displayed until it is approved.
I am still waiting for Sarah to make good on her threat to sue the NATIONAL ENQUIRER if they published that report of her adultery with her husband Todd's Snowmobile Business partner while he was out of town tomcatting around. Sarah said she would sue -- the National Enquirer webpage is still posted up there. SUE, Sarah, SUE.
""It's been atrocious, and it's really indicative of a lack of competency and truthfulness, and certainly transparency" on the whole adultery sleeping around loose woman thingy. I'd use some middle class language but Huff-Po bans middle class words heard in bars and bowling alleys and political conventions. You know, that word Lush Ribald called Sandra Fluke?
They can take away drivers licenses and right to bear arms, which are not absolute rights but privileges.
QUOTE: When Schieffer said that it's easier to get a gun in the United States than a driver's license, Keene responded, "There' s a difference between a driver's license, driving is a privilege, and owning a firearm, which is a constitutional right."
David A. Keene has a son David Michael Keene, who just got out of prison after ten years sentence for attempted murder. The judge's sentence included 5 more years of supervision plus Keene is banned from gun possession for life.
Crazy people don't get guns in America. We need to weed out the crazies and take away their guns. Crazies think the constitution is a suicide pact where the public lets the gun-nuts do whatever they want wherever they want to whoever they want whenever they want.
Anybody who says crazy things about the constitution need to lose their guns.