Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bristol Palin Slams Meghan, Cindy McCain In New Book 'Not Afraid Of Life' (VIDEO)

0 minute ago (1:33 PM)
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HarperColl­ins is RUPERT MURDOCH (Fox Newz, Wall Street Journal, Philip Morris Tobacco Mafia). When HarperColl­ins pays a giant advance to anybody, Rupert Murdoc is buying loyalty for all of his outlets and plans. Buying this girl is insurance to doubly buy Momma Gristle.

Murdoch HarperColl­ins also bought Senator Scott Brown for $700,000 advance for a book he hasn't written. The same guy who donated $1,000,000 visible, over the table (not counting under the table) to the GOP Governor's campaign that elected Scott of Wisconsin and Scott of Florida.