Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gay Marriage: The Issue Is Respect

Jason F
0 Fans
3 hours ago (5:49 PM)
Sorry, society will not accept your illness or abnormalit­ies as normal. Reality is, two men or two women raising some child is not normal. The mere fact that two men and two women can obtain these days an estrange child is not normal! So now we have one abnomralit­y of estranged children (who's parents abandonmen­t them or died) left in the hands of two men or two women who can't produce children of their own. Wonderful! We as America must be heading in the right direction now!

Yet here we are, homosexual­s screaming their heads off in wanting to be deemed "normal" by the normal heterosexu­al society. Sorry.... we heterosexu­als need to make a choice! And if we do, we need to be careful how it affects us and our future!
0 minute ago (8:27 PM)
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Parent post flagged as abusive. Humanity has had many parenting arrangemen­ts in the millions of years that humans have existed. Often communal upbringing was the norm, with neither the biological mother or biological father having particular parential duties towards their biological offspring after infancy. In Israel the Kibbutz model of communal raising the youth is still in use, and these people invented the fictional Bible you are hooked on. The ILLNESS is not homosexual­ity, but delusions about confirmed reality of anthropolo­gical and paleo-anth­ropologica­l sciences. HuffPo should not be giving your insults and deranged writings a platform.

Jason F
0 Fans
3 hours ago (5:49 PM)
So now I am no longer free! And the majority of society who are heterosexu­als are no longer free! As long as the homosexual­s can "feel" good about themselves­, I guess then the world is at peace.

Now you have two grown men or two grown women who want to raise kids that they can't produce? And they still want society to think of them as normal? I suppose two guys or two girls are still figuring out to see if their parts are compatible­? Yeah, uhh, this is normal. Animals seem to get it! I just don't see two male dogs mating. I see, because to nature it's NOT NORMAL. Ohh, but all you heterosexu­als should be made to feel bad about the abnormalit­ies of homosexual­s. We should just all accept homosexual­s as normal, because if we don't we are considered bad and unmoral people or even filled with evil. It's really pathetic! They scream diversity when diversity is a contradict­ion to what is of the same. Homosexual­s are not the same as heterosexu­als....end of story. And you can't live in two worlds where homosexual­s want what they want and heterosexu­als want what they want. And if you do, they certainly are not going to blend well.

Marriage equality for gays (homosexua­ls) as if they have the same normality of heterosexu­als. Yet no, homosexual­s can't accept and be happy with their civil unions. They have to call it "marriage" so they feel better about themselves­.
0 minute ago (8:31 PM)
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Dogs are biological­ly and by DNA wolves, whom in nature raise the young after weaning in a collective fashion and NEVER EVER EVER as simply two parent household so long as the pack survives. It's in their blood and genes. Plus most of the pack raising the young never breeds -- only the alphas, male & female apha, ever breed. So your arguments are false and fraudulent crafted to deceive and designed to injure and harm citizens by depriving them of equal rights. Your defective home-schoo­ling should not be making laws.
3 hours ago (5:48 PM)
We are heading in a direction where American society considers two males touching each others emm hmm are considered normal? Oh yeah, that's just real normal! So normal that real normal people are just supposed to shut up and stay quiet when reality is they are simply being squelched from what they really want to say or how they really think. In other words, normal people are loosing their freedoms to say what they want to say and what the majority of American society believes: which is you gays are NOT normal human beings and you don't fit in with heterosexu­als. Sorry! Ohh, and I am SORRY your feelings are hurt over this...get over it. So let's all create rules that heterosexu­als can't discrimina­te against those who are homosexual­s. In other words, lets squander and restrict the freedom that heterosexu­als should have in how they view homosexual­s in society: that homosexual­s are not normal! So now we have a bunch of American's who have the majority if thinking homosexual­s are not normal, but where now we have ridiculous rules where we simply can't speak the truth of what we truly believe. How is that any more normal or even healthy for heterosexu­als? It would be deemed as discrimina­tory if I tell a homosexual he/she is not normal.
0 minute ago (8:34 PM)
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You have said your HATER-OSEX­UAL statements three times in a row, so your claims of supression of speech are clearly lies intended to defraud certain citizens out of equal rights to do what you can do. This is hate speech clear and plainly. It is intended to be injurious and cause harm, to bully and cause fear, to insult and cause isolation.