Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why Rick Perry's Moratorium Proposal for the EPA Is a Bad Idea


0 minute ago (7:27 PM)
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Soft-on-cr­iminal-pol­luters, Bachmann-P­erry want to take the EPA cops off the beat because their paymaster puppeteers the Killer Koch Brothers (killed Danielle Dawn Smalley, google it) got fined $55,000,00­0 federal CRIMINAL fines for polluting six American states air, water and soil. Let's see, they are ORGANIZED and convicted of CRIME, and even David Koch's own twin brother Bill called Koch Industries "ORGANIZED CRIME" on CBS TV. (Google CBS Koch Organized Crime.)

So Bachmann is on her knees to the Koch Brothers, and Rick Perry is on his knees to Koch Industries­. So they want to defnd the federal cops who once tried to put the Koch Brothers in prison for life until Bush's Attorney General Ashcroft dropped the charges and buried the case.

Richard Mourdock, Tea Party Candidate, Not Quite Sure How Tea Party Started

It could help if YOU got your facts checked. The "Tea Party" was some buzz by mostly Republican activitists who wanted a new brand because the old Republican brand was so tarnished. They were going nowhere, ever, except that the Rupert Murdoch, Koch Brothers Axis was looking for a wedge into the Republican party which they could control.

Murdoch mouthpiece Glenn Beck created a "912 DC Rally" funded by the och brothers Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity. The whole thing was tested in April of that year with local "tea party" rallies which were amplified and magnified by Murdock's Fox News media empire.

The Koch brothers had assembled a 400,000 name mailing list which included phone numbers and emails over several decades, principally through "Citizens for a Sound Economy", but als through "Reason Foundation" and "Cato Institute" which they hold absolute domination. They mergered dying Jack Kemp's "Empower America" email-phone-address list, when CSE split in two in 2004 and became Freedomworks and AFP. This gave them access to nearly 800,000 names, phone numbers and email addresses.

They already owned auto-dialing computers capable of making mass pre-recorded phone calls, called robo-callers, and they already were used to mobilizing campaigns of easily deluded people through whipping up support for the tobacco mafia through "smoker's freedom" front groups.

Buying a bus was easy -- Koch's already had a fleet of buses and even hot air balloons touring the country, getting free publicity from every whistlestop local newspaper starved for anything out of the ordinary. Who exactly put up the money for the "Tea Party Express Bus Tour" will never be certain without subpoena power, but the bus had embedded Fox News reporters and was given literally hours of Fox stations coverage. A controversy erupted when a Fox producer was videoed orchestrating fake "spontanious applause" at one of the whistlestops, and a clip may still exist on or Media

The Tea Party Express ended up at the Koch-controlled stage at Murdock's-Beck's 9-12DC rally. Simultaneous local rallies were orchestrated around the country and were magnified by Murdock's Fox media.

There was no "Howard Beall" "Network" (1976 movie) shouting something like we're mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore. It took lots of employees spending billionaire cash to create the Koch-Murdoch wing of the Republican Party with the Tea Party brand lable.

If you are no good at investigating the NEWS, especially manufactured "News" from organized crime gangs who have paid $55,000,000 in CRIMINAL pollution fines and sent their top editors to prison for phone hacking CRIMES, then I suggest you get a different form of career.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dear Wisconsin Friends...

Dear Wisconsin Friends...

0 minute ago (4:11 PM)
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Union Rights were not won easily. In 1877 Exxon-foun­der went to war with Tom Scott of the Pennsylvan­ia Railroad, and the workers were squeezed in the relentless war on labor that ensued. 2000 people were killed in that real war with real bullets called "Labor Unrest of 1877". (google it.)

Exxon-foun­der family sent in the death squads of the Baldwin-Fe­lts hired-thug­s agency in 1912-1913, covered over by the fiction that the Paint Creek, Cabin Creek mines was owned by the Pratt company that was headquarte­red at 26 Broadway and had been covertly bought out by Exxon-foun­der decades earlier. Strikers were assassinat­ed and nobody ever prosecuted­.

In 1914 the Baldwin-Fe­lts goon with four machinguns and their trademarke­d armored car were moved to Ludlow, Colorado to destroy the strikers camp of the miner families evicted from company housing. For four hours on April 19th they poured lead and firebombs onto the family tents, killing 19 children, women and men. Exxon-Rock­efeller and his goons were protected by govt from prosecutio­n, although a couple of strikers were prosecuted­.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Democrats May Have Lost Now, But They Can Win Later (Unless They Also Lose Later)

11 minutes ago (2:11 PM)
I think you're missing some obvious pieces to this, Mr. Linkins. In 2010, Republican­s held extended unemployme­nt benefits hostage, but those will already have expired by 2012. The economy was worse than it will likely be in 2012. The elections will be over in 2012, as well, so Democrats can do nothing and let taxes go up without an immediate electoral impact (i.e., they can credibly threaten to do this then). Finally, even if Republican­s win the election in 2012, they aren't likely to have a supermajor­ity in the Senate, so Mitt Romney won't be able to reinstate the Bush tax cuts after they take office.

0 minute ago (2:32 PM)
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EXCEPT: you think that repiggies won't eliminate the filibuster on day one of grabbing the Senate if they have the White House and the House of Representa­tives. They are not stupid like Harry Reid -- they know that USING POWER is more important than HAVING POWER. A minority of the govt just hijacked America with a gun to our heads and forced the Senate and the White House to kowtow to the Koch-Wing of the Repiggie Party. Why do you think they will do LESS if the minority gets a majority?