The Democrats May Have Lost Now, But They Can Win Later (Unless They Also Lose Later)
11 minutes ago (2:11 PM)I think you're missing some obvious pieces to this, Mr. Linkins. In 2010, Republicans held extended unemployme nt benefits hostage, but those will already have expired by 2012. The economy was worse than it will likely be in 2012. The elections will be over in 2012, as well, so Democrats can do nothing and let taxes go up without an immediate electoral impact (i.e., they can credibly threaten to do this then). Finally, even if Republican s win the election in 2012, they aren't likely to have a supermajor ity in the Senate, so Mitt Romney won't be able to reinstate the Bush tax cuts after they take office.
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EXCEPT: you think that repiggies won't eliminate the filibuster on day one of grabbing the Senate if they have the White House and the House of Representatives. They are not stupid like Harry Reid -- they know that USING POWER is more important than HAVING POWER. A minority of the govt just hijacked America with a gun to our heads and forced the Senate and the White House to kowtow to the Koch-Wing of the Repiggie Party. Why do you think they will do LESS if the minority gets a majority?