Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Koch Brothers Blast Obama, Talk 2012 Strategy At Secret Fundraising Meeting

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William Koch, Twin-Broth­er to David Koch, born moments apart from the same birth canal, called Koch Industries "ORGANIZED CRIME" on CBS "Blood & Oil" segment on 60 Minutes national TV.

Google: Koch Industries Organized Crime CBS.

Google: Koch Industries Criminal fines Department of Justice.

They are ORGANIZED. They have been fined $55,000,00­0.00 CRIMINAL fines for polluting soil, water & air in six American states. They are ORGANIZED CRIME by the definition of the laws.

Koch Industries is a family-own­ed business, controlled and directed by brother Charles Koch and David Koch. Koch Industries is the Koch Brothers, and the Koch Brothers is Koch Industries -- they are synonyms for each other.

Koch Industries was charged for negligent manslaught­er for the death of Danielle Dawn Smalley and her boyfriend. The family of the boyfriend settled out of court, but the jury of regular Americans who viewed the evidence and heard all the facts awarded $393,000,0­00.00 to the Smalley family for the death of Dawn. These are the Killer Koch Brothers. Just like OJ Simpson might have been a movie actor, commercial pitchman, and football player, he is known as a the Killer OJ Simpson because one act wipes out everything else, so too are the Killer Koch Brothers defined by the killing of Danielle Dawn Smalley which no amount of money can undo.