Sunday, October 9, 2011

11 Facts You Need To Know About The Nation’s Biggest Banks

A: they are vulnerable: they killed Danielle Dawn Smalley and Jason Stone, so you can call them THE KILLER KOCH BROTHERS. A family owned corporation is identical with it's owners -- there is no separation. The corporation does what the owners command, and nothing they don't want.

B: A TWIN BROTHER called Koch Industries ORGANIZED CRIME on CBS TV, 60 Minutes, "Blood and Oil", and they have been fined $55,000,000 CRIMINAL FELONY FINES. You can call them Killers, and call them Organized Crime as much as you want, thereby making them radioactive to get near.

C: They joined with Rupert Murdoch in FELONY FRAUD R.I.C.O. crimes of the Tobacco Mafia, which has been proven in court, with felony conviction of the seven Tobacco Mafia companies. They killed 400,000 Americans per year with their science frauds.

D. They fund ALEC to make states voter repression of racial minorities and thus are violating the Civil Rights Laws.

E. They fund the FEDERALIST SOCIETY which openly bribes Supreme Court Judges, and they also launder bribes through Ginny Thomas.

F. They own a bank outright, which facilitates secret money transfers around the world. By definition,"Bank Secrecy Laws" protect bank secrecy of persons known to have committed felony law violations

G. They funded and created the astroturf TEA PARTY movement, own the logo, controlled the media, controlled the stage and controlled the microphone at the Koch-Murdoch-Axis "9-12dc" Tea Party Show in Washington D.C. promoted by Murdoch's Glenn Beck and Fox News. They launder money to Tea Party funding of events through Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity, and control  so-called-grassroots "The National Tea Party Federation."

H. The Bloomberg story had other crimes and facts listed.

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