Friday, October 14, 2011

Teachers Protest Rupert Murdoch At School Summit

Rupert Murdoch sold cigarettes to children while he was legally-liable DIRECTOR of Philip Morris Tobacco Mafia. Murdoch on the Board directed $75,000,000 advertising dollars to TV GUIDE, a magazine in many family households stuffed with Marlboro ads seen by children in the back page all day and every time they leafed through the pages looking for their show times. Murdoch sat on the CATO INSTITUTE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, and channeled some of the $16,000,000 "Project Whitecoats" science-fraud money through Cato and other Koch-controlled Lie Factories. Several TASSC corrupt science workers ("Whitecoats") were on the payroll of Cato, and have since moved to lying about Global Warming using the same RICO fraud techniques they used for the Tobacco Mafia.