Friday, March 23, 2012

LGBT Rights Are Civil Rights

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Marriage is not part of many African heritages. "It takes a village to raise a child" is more true to some than others. African history includes group living where males over 12 years old inhabited the man's lodge, and women and boys under 12 years old inhabited the women's lodge. Tribal women were inseminated in group sex which we today would call "gang-bangs", with no particular father-mother bonding at all. In other tribes polygamy and wife-buying concentrated "wives" into harems for much the same lack of parent-bonding results.

Slavery further eradicated family bonding and parent-bonding.

Today the tradition passed down is 72% of all African-American children are raised in single parent households. "Marriage" is much more rare than it is common.

Anybody who expects the A-A vote to be any different than 70% against gay marriage doesn't seem in touch with the reality that 70% of A-A voters don't care much for marriage for anybody.

The radical fundamendalist taliban combined with the A-A marriage-apathy demographic means that there is no hope for significant black support for gay marriage any time this generation.

Stop wasting dollars in short term election appeals ads and start a long-term public relations campaign using billboards, magazines and TV ads to break through the indoctrination of the next generation of voters. People sent $40,000,000 in anti-prop-8 efforts and spent $0 on PR ads, and look where it got you.