Court papers list witnesses for Planned Parenthood case
Planned Parenthood faces criminal charges in Johnson County.
This is a record of censorship of left viewpoints expressed as comments on as responses to articles and other readers views. I may not get my speech freely there, but you can see what they have deleted by coming over here how much censoring that Huffington Post does. Some articles may look liberal over there but the "moderators" are not moderates -- they are hard right radicals who censor out people who disagree with them, skewing the comments and falsifying the public dialog.
Society has ZERO LAWFUL "INTEREST" in fetuses, other than supporting a woman's (citizen's) choice. Fetuses are not property of the state, not property with any ownership rights by society. A fetus is not "born" and has no natural born social civil rights. A fetus is not a citizen -- it is a part of a woman's body whom has sole jurisdiction over the fetus.
The FALSE and BLASPHEMOUS DOCTRINE that a superior being imbues souls into fetus bodies has UNCONSTITUTIONALLY been imposed into law in violation of the absolute wall between Church & State. The state has no business enshrining the superstitions of one cult into laws and oppressing non-believers with coercive religious beliefs.
Compulsory motherhood is unconstitutional. Women are not slave breeders for the state. It is UNAMERICAN to force American citizens to be breeders of state-owned and state-controlled human beings as property of the state.