Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mitt Romney Responds To Brian Schweitzer, Says Grandfather Wasn't A 'Polygamist' (VIDEO)

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Tax-dodger RMoney paid the minimum-wage tax rate like he was a burger-flipper at McDonalds, even though he made over $20,000,000.00 interest on his investments last year.

So what if the tax-dodger came from a grandpaw with five wives all married together like some Lesbian commune with a token sperm-donor? The real scandal is this guy ripped to death some American corporations, looted pension funds, fired bluecollars, just so he could get an extra $40,000,000 to donate to the RMormon Temple -- money he didn't need except just to give it away to brag how much he loved his temple. The Tax-Dodger also tucked away 100 MEGABUCKS for trust fund kiddies who won't pay income or gift taxes on it.

Can America afford a tax-dodger like RMoney in control of tax policy?