John Koster, GOP House Candidate: 'The Rape Thing' Does Not Excuse Abortions
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We have been over this ground AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN.
No congressman or politician anywhere is given any authority to invade the privacy of the SOVEREIGN CITIZENS. This not a federal rights versus states rights issue -- the constitution reserves to the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE whom own all govts their privacy.
Privacy is the heart of the right to not testify against oneself, to be free from coercion and torture, free from cruel and unusual punishments, freedom to keep out homes from becoming forced shelters of govt army soldiers and employees, freedom from searches and seizures.
John Koster is not even entitled to hold an OPINION on what goes on in my underwear and PRIVATE PARTS. My privacy is not his property to invade. He has no rights because he was never transferred any rights from the SOVEREIGN CITIZENS.
The arguments between federal rights and states rights are about which level of govt gets to control it's slaves. Will the federal govt order it's slave breeders to produce babies, or will the state govts order it's slave breeders to produce babies on command.
Neither group seems to remember that both state and federal govts are property of the SOVEREIGN CITIZENS. Govt is our slaves, our servants, our civil servants.
All laws are written -- there are no SECRET LAWS. Govt has never been granted any power over cotizens breeding whatsoever. It is not govts business. It is not our neighbors business. It is not any churches business.