Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Nuns On The Bus Meet Tea Party Protests In Ohio

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The Tea Bag Suckers need to explain when and where the founding citizens of the nation turned over power of personal fertility to the US Govt -- that was one of the things reserved to the citizens, never given up, inalienable. Any govt intrusive enough to command persons that they cannot terminate a pregnancy is powerful enough to order a pregnancy whenever it feels like. NEITHER SIDE OF THAT COIN WAS EVER TRANSFERRED FROM THE PRIVATE CITIZENS TO THE GOVT.

The 14th amendment, section 1, explicitly reserves citizenship rights to those who are already BORN, natural born or naturalized.

One citizen fetus is given power to invade and colonize the body of another citizen. Never before has the violation of a born citizen been so abusively endorsed by govt, that any fetus can usurp the privacy of the body of another citizen. This is a slippery slope, one step away from the rich colonizing the organs of the poor, if a fetus citizen can colonize the uterus of the unwilling citizen.

Govt requires good reason argued in front of a judge to get a subpoena to go through our file cabinets and look at our private papers. How much more is the privacy right reserved to keep govt our of our bloomers and out of our unwilling vaginas? The right to privacy is the basis for the right to life in the Constitution. The BORN CITIZEN has the right to LIFE without govt forcing itself up her womb.