Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Gay Marriage On The Ballot In 4 States (INTERACTIVE RESULTS)


Ms Liann
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Alright, it cost $40,000,000 each side in California Prop-8. We need to formalize TRADITIONAL BIBLICAL MARRIAGE by spending whatever it takes to pass in some state, the EIGHT FORMS OF TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE IN THE BIBLE. Let's have this NATIONAL DISCUSSION!!!

The Varieties of Biblical Marriage

Polygynous Marriage -- it is where a man has more than one wife.

Levirate Marriage -- When a woman was widowed without a son, it became the responsibility of the brother-in-law or a close male relative to take her in and impregnate her. (Gen. 38:6-10).

A man, a woman and her property — a female slave -- The famous “handmaiden” sketch, as preformed by Abraham (Gen. 16:1-6) and Jacob (Gen. 30:4-5).

A man, one or more wives, and some concubines -- The definition of a concubine varies from culture to culture, but they tended to be live-in mistresses. Concubines were tied to their “husband,” but had a lower status than a wife. (Judges 19:1-30).

A male soldier and a female prisoner of war -- Women could be taken as booty from a successful campaign and forced to become wives or concubines. Deuteronomy 21:11-14 describes the process.

A male rapist and his victim -- Deuteronomy 22:28-29 describes how an unmarried woman who had been raped must marry her attacker.

A male and female slave -- A female slave could be married to a male slave without consent

Monogamous, heterosexual marriage